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It all Makes me Grateful

Were someone to analyze my posts from the time I began my blog, July 2003 until now, they would notice a recurring theme - gratitude. I have written about it many times, and when I ponder what to write, it keeps popping up.

I do not think, "Gee, I think I will write about gratitude again." Instead, some event of the day comes to mind, then I leap right to that feeling, state-of-mind, condition, attitude, or whatever you want to call it. Today is no exception. One of my encounters steered me to the "G" word and I found myself thanking God for something new.

If you read my posts, you know that I am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I work at a mental health clinic and I do intake assessments. I like the job for many reasons, but perhaps one of those high on the list of reasons is it keeps me humble. Every day I come face to face with people who are struggling and suffering. Though some suffer with self-inflicted problems, more often than not, a perfect storm of circumstances has struck a hard knock down blow.

The humility I mentioned arises from the realization that, "But for the grace of God, go I." I have struggled at times in life. I have had to overcome obstacles, but I am fortunate to have many things others do not. I have health, friends, family, and enough money to let me sleep at night. I am thankful everyday for it, but I know my time will come. Health problems, death, and loss come to us all.

Today, I went up front to meet the person I was to assess. The individual was about my age, which always triggers a comparison. The person had difficulty walking because of neurological difficulties. They could only walk with assistance. I could make a long list of what that person did not have, what that person could not do, and the problems that person has had. I will, however, not tempt the HIPPA police.

The point is, I reacted with thanks and appreciation to God. That then motivates me to help, to do what I can to ease suffering or connect with a resource to improve a life. It is not a sense of pity, but a desire to help fueled by an awareness of what I have and what I do not have to deal with.

Lord, the world is full of people who suffer. Who, no fault of their own, have much less than do I. I did not do anything to deserve it. I know that someday, suffering will visit me. I know you will carry me through it and I thank you in advance for that deliverance. In the meantime, I hope I will make a positive difference in the lives of those I try to help - In appreciation and gratitude I offer this prayer. -Amen.

Until the next time

John Strain

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Reader Comments (3)

If ever someone met their "calling" in life, it has been you. God has always blessed you with the ability to empathize with others and use your sense of humor and intelligence to help those willing to listen. You have an uncanny ability to hit the nail on the head when it comes to reminding people to step outside of themselves, to remind them to value what they DO have and make the most of it. I'm sure I am not the only one you have helped guide in this way through the years. I know at one time being a church pastor was a path you considered but I think the path you chose has ministered to so many more people and in a way the church can't always do. The internet has helped you touch even more of us. I try to do my part in sharing your insight by sometimes printing your posts and sending them to people I think could benefit from a new point of view.

Now, Thank Goodness for Barb, because I am sure she will have to give you a dose of reality to keep you humble! HA! Maybe I hear what you are saying so well because I know you are just as human as the rest of us.

Thanks for being you.

April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeb

Thanks Deb. That means a lot, because you described the way I would like to be seen by others. That is, when they get past my nutty jokes. I hope you and the family are doing well.

April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Strain

You were always an intuitive kid. I think one of the nicest gifts of life is being able to express feelings. So many are hurt and misunderstood because they don't have that ability.......and sadly, they don't even know it.

You have always had the uncanny ability to understand emotional pain and know how to "fix" it. You're in the right vocation and I hope I live long enough to read your first book...........mom

April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEsther

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