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A Prayer from Manresa

Each year about this time, I go to a Jesuit retreat center by the name of Manresa on the Mississippi. I look forward to this time of year to walk the beautiful grounds and to be quiet.

One day I was sitting outside the cafeteria before the noon meal. I had some thoughts that I have recorded here in the form of a prayer.


Lord God my Father,

I set out thinking today about the life that you gave me. I was sitting in a beautiful place in your world. The beauty of springtime was everywhere. I began thanking you for my eyes that took in the dazzling colors. Then I thanked you for my ears, which listened to the birds of all kinds nearby and farther away. The gentle breeze moved through the trees like a tender caress. My sense of smell let in the sweet spring fragrances and I drew them deep within me with each breath of the pungent air.

I was aware of being at peace and I gave you thanks and praise for that knowledge. At times, my life is hurried and laden with stress, but I often suffer more than I need too. Like the panicked swimmer who does not realize his feet can touch bottom I often flail away at life instead of standing on the firm footing of your promises. Life can always be more peaceful and less fearful if I would only turn my attention to you.

I thought about the hands you gave me. My hands have done so much in 53 years. They have lifted the food you provided to my mouth for enjoyment and nourishment. They have touched loved ones. They have reached out to both give and receive help. With my hand, I cover my heart to express honor and respect for the country in which you placed me. In exuberance I have given wild high fives to my friends when sporting events call for it. You have given me so many ways to express myself.

I must thank you for my legs. They have carried me many miles to many places. I have walked down aisles to give my heart to you, to marry the woman you made for me, and to graduate from institutions you used to prepare me for my life. My legs have carried me in marathons and along the race that is set before me like the writer of Hebrews said in chapter 12.

Some things will always be a mystery to me, but the longer I live, the more you reveal to me. For instance, I know that you have given me certain gifts as you have everyone. Challenges in life only serve to make these gifts more useful. Struggle has made me better. I have learned to appreciate you more. I know that you are there and whatever happens, you are aware of it.

For all these things Lord, I thank you. And this I ask. Make my eyes more sensitive to those around me I can help in your name. If it is a kind word, money, or my time, may I be willing to give it.

I pray you help me to hear you with both my ears and my heart. May I follow your direction and become more obedient to your word as I continue in this wonderful life you have given me.

Help me use my hands to offer that cup of cold water in your name. May I give more than I take and I pray others would feel you have touched them from my dealings with them.

Strengthen my legs to carry me farther. Lead me in your path, wherever that goes.

I know I am a sinner. My thoughts are not always of you. My tongue does not always speak your praise, and too many times I run off in my own direction. Lead me back to your way. Guide me with your hand that I may please you. I will endeavor to make better choices and convert my gratitude and appreciation into obedience for you.

You have given me so much, and a peaceful mind and heart thanks you for it.

It is through your Son Jesus I come to You. All praise, honor, and glory to You Lord Amen

Until the next time

John Strain

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Reader Comments (4)

A beautiful post, John. Yes, we are all sinners. How difficult it is to follow in the footsteps of our Lord. It is a burden we all carry with us every day. Yet He forgives us. And that is the miracle, that we are forgiven.

April 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrent Curtis

Beautiful, John. That's how I feel weeding my flowers, all alone with God. The wider understanding of who God is and who I am.

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEsther

John, that brought me to tears it was so beautiful. Thank you for the gentle nudge we all need at times, to be thankful to our Lord for ALL that we have. For without Him, we are nothing.

April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRosalie

Thank you, John. I needed this tonight.

April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSally

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