
What's going on?

by Bear
Hi everyone, it's me Bear. Sometimes I write to tell a story, but today, I am writing in hopes someone can tell me what in the world is going on.

I try to be a good dog. I don't get into the trashcan while daddy is at work. I just lay around until he comes home. I don't do number one or two in the house. I don't embarrass daddy when his friends come over by licking my privates or sniffing theirs.

I bring back the tennis ball every time he throws it and I do everything a dog is supposed to do.

So why did daddy leave me at the vet for almost a week? Saturday a week ago, mommy and daddy got up real early and started putting things in their suitcases. I hate those suitcases, because they mean something bad is about to happen to me.

Anyway, after they packed, they left and it was still dark outside. Later that day, my big brother LJ put me in his truck and took me to the vet. The vet is OK, he even owns my brother, but I have to stay in a pen. Things smell funny and there are lots of other dogs and they bark all the time. I get so upset, I can't even eat.

Just when I was about to give up, the high school girl that works at the vet took me out of the pen. When I walked out front, I saw my daddy. I was so happy, I forgot how mad and hurt I was. I started dancing and wiggling and daddy started talking to me and petting me.

I was so glad to get home and daddy took me on a walk right away. I had to pee on all of my favorite targets to let my friends know I was back home. I went home and ate, but I kept a close eye on daddy.

I slept really good that night. For some reason, daddy didn't go to work the next day. He stayed home and he took me on a long walk and played tennis ball with me.

So far so good, right? WRONG. Daddy started messing with the suitcases again. That afternoon one of daddy's friends came over and daddy got into his car and drove off. Now I was really confused. Mommy came home from work and was nice to me, but I wondered when daddy was coming home.

At least I was home, but things were strange. Mommy didn't walk me right. She didn't let me run all over the place like daddy does. She kept me on a short leash. She didn't throw the ball right either, but she did her best.

Well Sunday, I was laying on the floor and I heard the door open. It was daddy, he came home.

Today daddy went to work and things have been back to normal, but I wonder for how long. I am a confused pup and maybe a bit paranoid.

Can anyone tell me what's going on? Did I do something wrong?

Well, I have to go to bed, daddy turned off the TV and he is walking to his bedroom.

Thanks for listening.



Back to work

I have been off of work for 10 days in which I went to Boston for the Marathon and Convent, LA for a 3-day silent retreat.

Here are a few photos from the retreat:

An avenue of oaks at Manresa
An avenue of live oak trees at Manresa

Tugboat pushing a barge down river toward New Olreans
The Dreama Klaiber pushes a barge down river towards New Orleans

Mississippi River at sunset
The Mississippi River at sunset

Once I get my sea legs back, I will write about the marathon, the retreat, and a few other things that have been percolating in my head.

For now, it is time to be about getting back in the groove. My sister calls it Kick Butt Monday. That is exactly what I need to do.

I hope your Monday is a good one.

Until the next time
John Strain


A different glory

What a difference a couple of days make. Monday I was running through the streets of Boston letting the cheers of the crowd wash over me. This morning I was mopping up dirty water from a clogged kitchen drain.

Then one of my hard drives decided to fail. Thankfully, I had it backed up, but I am missing a couple of weeks of photos and downloaded music.

Welcome home, now get back in line.

So, with all of the unexpected tests of faith, I haven't had time to write my thoughts about the Boston Marathon.

On a brighter note, I am leaving this afternoon for Manresa retreat center in Convent, Louisiana.

This is a silent retreat that runs from this evening until Sunday afternoon. I have done it every year since 1998 except last year. It usually conflicts with the Boston Marathon.

I have said all of that to say this, I won't be posting anything new until next Monday, most likely.

Bear was sure glad to see us. That was one happy pup.

I have server space at Apple in the form of a "dot mac" account. I got an email telling me they were shutting me down because I had exceeded my 10 GB transfer limit.


I only get about 200 hits a day on this site and a lot of those are people who are searching images on Google. I think some mofo is hotlinking some of my stuff.

I wish I knew how to track where the 10 GB's of stuff has been transferred to in only 18 days. I have been looking at the Google images people are looking at and taking down the ones that seem to show up a lot.

Oh well.

Until the next time
John Strain


The party is over

Running Boston 06The party is over and soon we will be headed back to Louisiana. We were not cheated though; plenty of good times. Boston is a great city and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Stay tuned, I will post photos and tell the stories later. For now, I need to get packed for an early flight.

Until the next time
John Strain


Come run with me; the best is yet to be

Paul Revere

This is no ordinary Monday. This is Patriots Day in Boston; Marathon Monday. 23,000 dreamers have assembled to trek a historic course from Hopkinton, MA to Boston. This tradition started in 1896 and we carry the torch with honor and pass it on to to those who can carry it further.

The weather should be cool, mid 50's, breezy, 15 mph from the north. It is what it is. We take the stage and prepare to write the story of the 110th Boston Marathon with each step we take. it is a privilege and a responsibility we all take seriously.

This is no ordinary marathon. This is Boston.

You don't have to make this an ordinary day at work. You can run with me. I want you to come along. All the way from the excitement and anticipation at athlete's village, to the wait in the corrals, the singing of the National Anthem, and the fly over. Can you feel the chills? Do you sense the excitement?

It is downhill at first, but the course will wind along the New England countryside lined with cheering spectators. Some hold signs to encourage the passing army, others offer slices of oranges to aid the weary throng, but all who stand in support provide inspiration for us.

I will feel your support too. As the hills begin to take their toll and Heartbreak Hill looms at mile 20, your goodwill will push me up that nemesis and carry me through the last 6 miles. The kids at Boston College will bring a smile to my face and their screamed comments fueled by the fruit of the hops will make that last stretch feel shorter and more enjoyable.

You will be with me as I make that final turn onto Boylston Street and sprint toward the finish. You will feel the joy of accomplishment with me and you were a part of the effort. Just knowing you were there, watching, praying, being concerned, was enough to carry me through.

Here is how to run with me:
1. Click THIS LINK.
2. Enter my name: John Strain OR my bib number: 9345.

My times will be transmitted after I cross every 5K marker. My plan is to begin slow and speed up as I go.

I am guessing it will take me about 7 minutes to get to the starting line. My first 5K should be just under 27 minutes. I would like to complete the race under 3:35:00.

I'll see you in Hopkinton at noon EDT.

Until the next time
John Strain