
Look ma, no beard

I have had a beard since 1980; that's 27 years. When I was at Manresa a week or so ago, I decided to shave it off just to see what was underneath it. Bear still remembered me, but it took Barbara some getting used to. I think she feels like she is cheating on her husband. I say that is guilt free cheating, ha.
Clean shaven
No beard after 27 years

Moon May 2
The Moon through the Louisiana pines on May 1, 2007

Until the next time
John Strain


I'm still here

I have been spending a lot of time preparing for Rocky's memorial service for May 12. I am making a video and preparing the words. I want to do a good job; he deserves it. Therefore, posts will be sparse until I feel I am on top of the task.

I get to have a root canal today, yipppeee.

Until the next time
John Strain



I was looking through my photos of Rocky and this one struck me. It was taken in April of 2005 in Boston. That was the first year I ran the Boston Marathon and Rocky was there to share in the realization of my dream.

This is the day after the marathon. We were sitting in a restaurant on Boylston Street not far from the finish line. In true Rocky fashion, he had already made up his mind about what to order, while mom continued to peruse the menu. He was a meat and potatoes guy; no adventure for Rocky when it came to food.

Rocky in Boston 2005

Until the next time
John Strain


A poem for Rocky

Mom and Rocky May 2002

On Tuesday evening my mother lost her husband Rocky to colon cancer. He was her high school sweet heart. They went their separate ways after graduation but were reunited at a 50th high school reunion. They were married and spent 6 wonderful years together.

The world has lost a good man. He was the kind of man that made this country great; hard working, honest, gentle, loyal, and good humored. His favorite author was Louis L'Amour.

I will write more about Rocky later, but for now i want to post a poem from Louis L'Amour and dedicate it to Rocky.

A Handful of Stars

Give me, O night, a blessing
  Of peace, and a handful of stars-
Give me, O dawn, a beginning,
  New life, and a healing of scars;
Give me, O day, a freshening
  Of spirit, and warmth in the sun-
Give me, O earth, of thy bounty,
  Strength for the task I've begun.

Leave me, O night, of your stillness
  A calm for my inward soul-
Leave me a breath of your darkness
  To cool me, and keep me whole;
Leave me the wind in the willows
  The roll of the surf and sea--
Leave me, Beloved, my memories
  Of dreams you have given to me.

-Louis L'Amour, Smoke From This Altar

Here's to Rocky - a good man

Until the next time
John Strain


Manresa on the Mississippi

Early will I seek thee. Psalm 63:1

Every year about this time I attend a silent retreat at Manreas on the Mississippi. It is a Jesuit retreat house in Convent, LA. I have been there 9 of the last 10 years.

The landscape is beautiful as this photo suggests. I have several pages of Manresa photos on my picture page (click photo link on the banner above). This year I snapped some nice early morning shots. As the sun was coming up, fog shrouded the ancient grounds.

2007 Photos

Until the next time
John Strai