
Stop talking and start doing

“We’re going to march!” These words are used as threats and the ultimate form of protest to any corporation or entity that is not willing to drop their pants and bend over for the offended group.

Here in Katrina Land I have heard it a million times. “WE WANT!” “WHY DON’T YOU DO SOMETHING FOR US!” “WAAAAAA!!!!” “BOO HOO!” The national protest leaders have been here, Jesse and Al. They have led marches into the flood-devastated areas of the poor. The middle class folks are somehow not mentioned by these champions of the oppressed.

I have often turned on the TV to see hundreds of able-bodied people walking around carrying signs; looking angry and demanding the government do something.

On one such evening, the following story was about a senior citizen group in the same area working on one house at a time. One 82 year old lady was chipping paint. She stopped working long enough to smile into the camera and say how happy she was to be able to help in some small way.

The reporter asked her about the previous day’s work and if it was tiring. “Well, we worked about 10 hours,” she said, “But then we went out and partied, so I am a little tired.”

What a contrast. The people who stand to benefit from her work are not working to help themselves. They are marching in protest, to demand SOMEONE help them.

These marchers don’t like folks like Bill Cosby who tells them to work, go to school, and stop having babies until you are married and can afford them. He tells them to focus on the solutions and not the problems. He is an Uncle Tom I suppose.

What we have here is a disparity of values. I believe a person is responsible for taking care of their self and their family. Help comes from friends, family, churches, and then government. If the government gives you something, you should be grateful. The help should be very temporary until you can get back in the game and resume handling your own business.

Others believe the government owes them housing, work, healthcare, and food. These are the folks who march, while the first group lends a hand, which is never thanked or acknowledged.

These are people incapable of shame. If they felt shame, they would get off their tails and help themselves instead of letting old ladies do their heavy lifting.

So my advice to them and anyone anywhere waiting for the government or some hand from heaven to help you; MARCH. That’s right MARCH. March over and pick up a hammer and nail, pick up a rake. March to a pile of trash and haul it to the curb. March somewhere and help your self. Help your neighbor. One house at a time, your neighborhood will be rebuilt.

Or you can keep doing what you are doing. Whining on TV believing in leaders who are exploiting you. You can keep waiting for that to work. You have a long wait, because most folks will not help anyone who is not willing to help themselves.

You can say I am hard, I don’t understand, and that I am a racist insensitive prick. See if that solves your problem.

It’s too bad about Katrina, but it is your problem. Do something about it more than just bitch.

Until the next time
John Strain



Yes, for those who might wonder, I am alive. Everyone is busy and posting has always been a part of my routine. Lately though, I haven't made the time. This will not stand.

Mr. Creech shamed me yesterday. Thanks Mark. As a matter of fact, Bear does have a post or two in those paws of his and he intends to share his dog thoughts with the human world, complete with photos.

I still have to get my income tax done so I can do John's student loan routine before the end of this month. I hate having that hanging over my head, but I guess not enough to get it done.

Hobo Garden
Hobo Garden

Though my blog has been neglected, my yard has not. I have worked my arse off the last few weekends and I walk like a question mark to prove it. Flowers are blooming, the sod is taking root, and hedges are trimmed that have not been for more years than I would like to admit.

I still have a big ligustrum hedge with which to contend, but I will win in the end. I am thinking about taking a National Geographic film crew on the expedition as we are sure to find lost civilizations deep within the recesses of the hedges leafy confines.

I know the trash crew hates to pass by my house, because it takes them an hour just to load all of the weekend's clipped vegetation.

Enough with the exaggerating. I have a zillion other things to do.

Until the next time
John Strain


Gratitude, appreciation, thank you, and Memorial Day

It is a beautiful day in Covington, LA. The birds are singing, the air is cool, and the sun is shining brightly. People will be taking advantage of the Memorial Day sales at the electronics stores and the furniture warehouses. BBQ grills will be fired up all over the country as we celebrate.

Celebrate what?

These days we dole out honor to actors and singers - even the amateurs get star recognition and treatment on shows like American Idol. Sports figures are held in the highest esteem. People clamor to get the latest scoop on the Hollywood bad boys and girls. We honor them with our time and mental attention.

Are they deserving of that time and attention?

What of the "real" reason for Memorial Day?

The last few days I have worked very hard in my yard. Friday was a 13-hour day that had my back on the edge of going out on me. It was very much like running a marathon, because there were moments I did not know if I would be able to physically hold up to complete my job. At stake was $370 worth of sod.

Long story short, I got it done, but it got me to thinking about effort. I thought about all of those men and women who have represented our country in the armed services. I thought about the sacrifices they made in time, in effort, and in blood. As tired as I was, I was able to appreciate them even more. My toil and fatigue was optional and it was trivial. Their sacrifice was essential and part of the high price our citizens have paid time and again for freedom.

Because our people answer the call, we are free. They did the heavy lifting for us. It is like sitting down at a nice table to a meal you did not prepare and then you eat until you are full. Then you get dessert, and then retire to brandy and cigars without a thought to cleaning up the mess.

The media does not make us aware of the sacrifice our men and women are making. They are too busy trying to make us angry about race, religion, and politics. Fox News is running a program entitled "V for Valor." It showcases the bravery of servicemen in recent years. It will help you better appreciate what people are doing for you this very moment. Right now, people are in danger to protect you.

Now is when people start talking about the war is unjust and Bush is a so and so. As if to nullify the sacrifices our servicemen are making. They have not invented the curse word to adequately express my opposition to such comments.

Regardless of politics, those men and women volunteered to serve their country. I am sure a few in the military have signed up for less than noble reasons, but I would contend the majority have a deep vein of patriotism, God, family, and country driving their decision making. They serve to preserve our way of life. They serve bravely and they do it so often and consistently that it has become the standard.

Listen to the medal winners speak. They do not accept the praise. They said they did what they did out of love. They wanted to help their buddy or some innocent citizen. They go onto say they do this because they love their country and their family.

These are people worthy and deserving of our honor and respect. We should treat them accordingly. Make your gratitude tangible and donate to a cause to help these folks.

When you BBQ today, I hope you serve up a great big dish of thanks to these fellow citizens who make it possible for us to live as we do. Their behavior is one of the things that make me so proud to be an American.

Happy Memorial Day folks and here's to all who served and are serving this great country. This is one American who is grateful.

Until the next time
John Strain


Laying sod

Today the weather should be perfect for the yard work I have slated. Two pallets of sod are to be delivered, but I have a lot of raking and leveling to do before I can do the fun part.

I will have the Bear Cam (Sod Cam) trained on the work area, so watch me sweat.

Have a great Memorial Day Holiday.

Until the next time
John Strain


Legally blind

Thank goodness I am legally blind. It is bad enough not seeing very well; without having to go to jail for it too.

Oh, and here is what the moon looked like last night from Covington, LA

The Moon May 23, 2007

Until the next time
John Strain