
Robert Frost: Nothing Gold Can Stay

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Nature's first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

Robert Frost Website

It is January and no better time to read a poem by a man named "Frost." The poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" tells me, first of all, there is gold. Secondly, that it does not last. Now we could whine and complain because the gold is temporary or we could experience the gold and enjoy it while it is here. I choose the latter and I hope you do as well.

The gold is all around us. If you slow down and look, you may be surprised at how plentiful it is. This weekend enjoy the gold of life for as our poet Robert Frost reminds us, "Nothing gold can stay."

Until the next time

John Strain


The Internet

Every now and then I ponder the wonders of the Internet. How I lived without it, I have no idea. As I age and my memory begins to fail me, I can quickly find the answer to: Who was that actor who played in that movie, or where is Sri Lanka? The Internet is the ultimate solver of bar bets. Google is like the computer in Star Trek only without the talking.

Computers were just coming out as I finished my formal education. The Internet was not the research tool it is now. When I think of all the time I spent in libraries going through the stacks, card catalogs, and searching for books I am amazed. Even after all of that work, it might not even turn up a decent source for a research paper. Conversely, the Internet provides very specific stuff and lots of it.

I even hear a person can find pictures of naked women on the Internet, but since I'm married, I wouldn't know about that. Hehe. Think of it. Movies, music, funnies, spirituality, shopping, news, weather, anything can be found on the internet and we have access to it.

Let's hope the government keeps their party pooping mitts off of it. Sure I get lots of spam promising me big boobs, a long penis, a head full of hair, plentiful pain meds, easy weight loss, and easy money, but nothing is perfect. I have also gotten back to writing and have met a lot of nice people in the process.

So I give two thumbs up to the Internet. It has become as necessary as indoor plumbing and salt on French fries.

Download the entire Internet here

Until the next time

John Strain



These are the hands of tsunami refugees in India reaching out for food. We all have hands. I am thankful that I do not need to reach out so desperately and helplessly. Instead, out of compassion, I can reach out to help. The death toll for the tsunamis has risen to more than 160,000 people. I cannot fathom such loss. The destruction I see on television is viewed from a comfortable chair in a warm home with plenty of food in the pantry.

The world is responding. People are giving, but the destruction and devistation is so vast.

Do not forget these people. Share some of your money. Pray for them. The hand of God reaches these suffering souls through our own willing hands.

But for the grace of God go I . . .

Until the next time

John Strain


Southern Snow

Bags of leavesI have read a lot of posts from my northern friends who have been dealing with snow. Driving is treacherous and shoveling the drive is a pain in the arse. People might think us southerners have it made with our mild winters, but we have our own vexing substances that fall from the sky. Leaves and pine straw to be specific are the thorns in my side. Were it not for them, I would have more free time on the weekends.

This weekend's haul was nearly 30 bags of leaves. Thanks to Ben, one of my son's friends, I had a little help. It will be like this until May. Every weekend, I will be raking up the little devils. They pile up so quickly. I have tried any number of ways to collect them. There is no good way, unless I were to pay someone to do it and spare myself from the ordeal altogether. On the other hand, I do a lot of thinking while I am engaged in the mindless toil of raking and bagging. I do enjoy being outdoors and getting additional exercise. Now that I think of it, raking leaves is a blast. It is so much fun, I would be happy to let you experience the joy. Drop me a comment or email and maybe we can make some arrangements. I really do not mind sharing the fun, because I know how enriching it would be for you.

That is our snow. Like yours, it will stop in the spring, but then it will be onto the growing grass. I can hardly wait. No rest for the weary.

Until the next time

John Strain


Bill Rodgers - Relentless

Bill Rodgers Winning the 1979 Boston Marathon

Bill Rodgers has always been one of my heroes.

Until the next time

John Strain