
Road Trip

Lunch on the road

The drive from Covington to Vicksburg is only three hours. Last weekend, Barbara, LJ, and me made that trip and driving through the stormy Mississippi countryside stirred some memories from some of my childhood road trips.

Some of my earliest road trip memories are of our old 1950ish black Dodge station wagon. We made a lot of night trips, which was one way to beat the heat. In those days, AC was not available. I can remember lying in the back of that station wagon. Headlights from passing cars gradually illuminated the interior of the car and then it was dark again. The floor of the car was warm and the constant jostling from truck-grade-springs and bad roads rivals today's theme park rides. We drove with the windows down and the wind caused a constant roar we had to yell over to communicate. By the time we arrived at our destination, we looked and felt like something the cat drug in. I went to sleep many times listening to my parents talking in the front seat, while I was hypnotized by the sound of the wind, the intermittent whoosh of passing cars, and the headlights washing across the roof with each passing car.

We were a family of five and did all the clichés. "Are we there yet?" "Stay on your side." "He's looking at me." "She's touching me." "Don't make me stop this car and come back there." There were no fast food restaurants in those days. Folks brought their food with them. The photo above is a typical lunch stop. For a few years, we had a tent camper. As you can see, it made a nice table for meal stops. We usually had baloney and cheese sandwiches, chips, pickles, tea, coffee, and homemade cookies for dessert.

On long trips, around 2:00 or 3:00 PM we began hunting a place to get ice cream. There is nothing like a milk shake or an ice cream cone on a summer afternoon to provide a nice respite from the road. We also passed the time by playing games like 20 questions, I spy, and keeping a list of the states and provinces on car license plates.

Those family trips were great times. We were happy because we were together. Maybe having my own family together the other day going on a road trip is what conjured these memories. For whatever reason they came up, I am glad they did.

Until the next time
John Strain


The Unicorn

Boston Marathon LogoHere is some Boston Marathon trivia. Have you ever wondered why the unicorn is a symbol for the race?
Why was the Unicorn chosen as the symbol of both the Boston Athletic Association and the Boston Marathon?
Chosen by the founding members of the Boston Athletic Association in 1887 -- ten years prior to the inaugural Boston Marathon -- the Unicorn is believed to have been chosen as the organization's symbol due to its place in mythology. In Chinese and other mythologies, the Unicorn represents an ideal: something to pursue, but which can never be caught. In pursuit of the Unicorn, however, athletic competitors can approach excellence (but never fully achieve it). It is this pursuit to push oneself to his or her own limit and to the best of one's ability which is at the core of athletics. And for this reason, as the marathon matured, that the B.A.A. also decided that the Unicorn would be the appropriate symbol for the marathon.
I like the explanation and it makes perfect sense.

Until the next time
John Strain


I'm Talking Steep Hills Here

Rainbow Casino and Hotel
Steep Road

We took a quick trip to Vicksburg, MS to see Barbara's dad and have Easter dinner with him and other family members on Barb's side. I had an 18-mile run scheduled Easter Sunday. Actually, I was looking forward to running in Vicksburg because of the challenge of the hills. Vicksburg is very hilly. It sits on a bluff overlooking the Yazoo River and the Mississippi River.

We stayed at the Rainbow Casino and Hotel, which is situated on the Mississippi River. On our way up to Vicksburg, a three-hour drive, we had to dodge some pretty hefty thunderstorms. Aside from some patches of heavy rain and some spectacular lightning shows, we made the trip unscathed.

My plan was to run in the Vicksburg National Military Park. The park has a 16 mile drive through some unbelievable freaking mountains hills. At 8:00 AM I began my run on a misty, windy, cloudy, and 45 degree day. It may not sound very nice, but that is pretty good running weather. The hills began right off the bat and were quite challenging. I was averaging about an 8:00 minute pace, but on one pretty steep downhill, I ran a 6:38. If I had fallen on that hill, I would still be rolling.

Fortunately, 7.5 miles into the run, we hit a detour. I completed my 18 miler on a relatively flat road. Still, there was a stiff head wind with which to contend. I finished strong. The last 11 miles were mostly 7:30's, but my 18th mile was a 7:09.

It is nice seeing different scenery for these runs. When I get to go somewhere new, I think more about what I am looking at and the time goes by quicker. Now I run a 20 miler next week and the taper begins for Boston.

OK, I guess I better run.

Until the next time
John Strain


Hobo Garden

Hobo Gardens

It was a job. I was a sore SOB. Everything but my legs hurt. Once I got up and moved around this AM, I felt fine. It isn't completely finished. I need a few more bags of topsoil and more plants. It is supposed to rain cats and dogs later on today. I decided to wait on the planting and see what a deluge does to my garden. The rain will no doubt settle the dirt already in the planter. That gave me time to rake the lawn again. Another 18 bags of leaves later and the place looks alright.

I am about to pack up and head to Vicksburg for Easter. We are going to see Barbara's dad. We have to wait until 4 PM when John gets off of work before we can leave. I am looking forward to running in the big hills of Vicksburg tomorrow morning. The harder I work now, the easier the Boston hills will be three weeks from this Monday. Tomorrow's run is 18 miles.

I hope everyone has a Hoppy Easter.

Until the next time
John Strain


Photos later today

I had to get up and take some aspirin so I thought I would do a quick post. Hobo Gardens is nearly complete. I worked my butt off yesterday and would have finished everything were it not for having to make another trip or two to Lowe's for more supplies.

All I have to do is plant the flowers, fill the birdbath and spread the mulch.

Once complete, I will post photos of the process. Check back this afternoon.

Until the next time
John Strain