
Died and gone to heaven

I was married 8 years before moving into a house. Apartment living kept us dry and out of the elements, but we dreamed of the day we could have some luxuries only home owners enjoyed. For instance, doing laundry at the apartment was a pain. We had to carry our clothes a long distance, pump bad machines full of quarters, and endure waiting for dryers to be available. I could write an entire post about this topic. Eventually, though, we moved into a house. The house had a washer and dryer. We no longer needed quarters. We did not have to wait on people or race to be first anymore. We thought we'd died and gone to heaven.

I was born with cataracts, which have rendered me legally blind. I wore thick thick glasses until I was a junior in high school. When I got contact lenses, I no longer looked like a Japanese radioman from WWII. After a while (23 years) my eyes no longer tolerated contacts so I had lens implant surgery. The result is I can see (the same) without having to fuss with glasses or contacts. No more expensive contact lens solution, no more losing contacts, no more worries about how late I am going to be out and how it will effect my eyes. When I think about this I feel like I died and went to heaven.

One winter we were without hot water for a few days, but we got it back.
Several hurricanes have knocked out our power for a day or two, but it was reconnected.
Our AC has broken about this time of year and the inside of the house became a sauna, but we got it fixed.
Our sewer once backed up and flooded our bedroom, but we cleaned it up.
I have been sick and injured, but I healed.
My job situation over the years has become very stressful, even abusive, but they always got better.
And perhaps worst of all, my DSL modem broke and I went a week without the Internet.

All of these things were problems that when solved left me feeling like I had died and gone to heaven.

It is funny how when something good happens to us we are grateful, but in time that gratitude turns to an expectation. What was first a luxury or a dream becomes something expected and eventually taken for granted. Only when we lose it are we reminded of its value - a treasure lost.

I don't see anything wrong with this process. It is only natural to get used to something and not praise it daily. Infatuation for another does not stay at the initial emotional intensity. The trap to me is when we are not aware of the process. If we are not aware, we move through life with in insatiable appetite. We seem to live by the philosophy advertised on t-shirts that says, "Whoever dies with the most toys wins." The truth is we are never completely satisfied with stuff, but it is fun to get stuff.

Life is much more than acquiring a better home, car, clothes, and jewelry. I think we can do some of both; Get stuff and have that "died and gone to heaven" feeling once in a while AND be grateful for what we have in between.

The best thing is that some day I will die and wake up in heaven.

Until the next time
John Strain


Miles to go before we sleep

According to my running log, since January 1, 2005,

I have run 1006 miles at an average pace of 7 minutes and 34 seconds per mile.

It has taken me: 5 days 6 hours 59 minutes and 33 seconds.


The map above shows a circle of that distance from my home. If I had run in a straight line each day, I could have gone that far by now. At this rate, by the end of the year, I will have been able to run anywhere in the country.

Just think what a difference you can make by doing something each day. We hear the phrase, "Rome wasn't built in a day," but somebody worked on it each day. Big things are accomplished a little bit at a time. Don't let the goal overwhelm you to inaction, simply do a little at a time and be consistent and the big thing will happen.

Now, where's my running shoes?

Until the next time
John Strain


Grammar and Stuff

This post-it note was found on a vending machine near me:
Post-it note

The text of the missive reads:
This machine is jacking people money I paid $1.00 for a .50 bag of chips!!! Fix this machine! (Then someone else added) Yeah! And put some gum in it too!

I am not sure if the author is a product of the Louisiana school system, but I have my suspicions. I first noticed the problem with the subject and verb agreement:
This machine is jacking people money

should read

This machine BE jacking people money Sounds much better don't you think?

Also, what's with the reluctance to use the 19th letter of the alphabet "S"? Here are some better ways to say it:
This machine be(s) jacking people money
This machine(s) be jacking people money
This machine is jacking people's money

Take your pick.

I suppose I should not laugh at some poor devil paying double for some chips, but someone else found it appropriate to voice another complaint on the same post-it note. This is good stuff. Vending machines should have a pad and pencil attached to them as standard equipment.

Well, it all just struck me funny. No matter how bad things get, I didn't have to pay double for a bag of chips in a vending machine without gum today.

Oh yeah. I checked the temp Tuesday afternoon and a cold front must have come through. It was 89 with a heat index of 96 - and me without my muff.

Until the next time
John Strain


Dog Days of Summer

Do you know why we call the hottest days of summer the "dog days"? It has something to do with the stars, I'm Sirius. To find out follow this link: Dog Days of Summer

Now for the news . . .

Buck: I never called the vet to find out about Buck. I thought long and hard and then decided that one dog is enough. I will find out where he goes, but I am sure he will go to a good home.

New Camera: The new Canon S2 IS arrives Monday. I will have a new toy with which to play. Naturally, you will get to see what I do with it. I have been going through withdrawal without a camera.

Hot Weather: I think most of us are experiencing some serious heat. Our heat index has been in the triple digits. In the course of a weekend, I must drink ten million gallons of water and Gatorade. Today, I had to run 15 miles. By the time I got around to starting, it was 10:00 AM and already in the 80's. I opted to run on the treadmill at the gym. It was a pretty nice run. I ran for 2 hours and logged 15.4 miles. The gym is 3/4 of a mile from our house, so I run to and from for a good warm up and cool down.

Bent Crank Shaft: I hit an oak root while mowing Saturday and stopped the mower. When I restarted it, it was shaking like a dog trying to pass a peach seed. I replaced the blade and the flywheel key, but it still shakes. That means the crankshaft is bent. In other words, the mower is toast. I can buy a whole new engine for $150. I think I will do that then keep the other engine for spare parts since it is almost new itself.

Lance Armstrong: I really admire Lance Armstrong. His achievements are beyond comprehension. I am going to miss him being in the Tour De France next year. On a lucky note, I won a Discovery Channel Team water bottle on the Trek Lucky Seven Sweepstakes.

I think the heat has burnt out my writing creativity. I have been struggling to think of something to write as of late. To top things off, I had a cold last week. That did not help my mental acuity either. But I am feeling better and you can't keep a good man down long.

Here's hoping you have a great week. Stay cool

Until the next time
John Strain



On Wednesday, Barbara went to the vet to purchase a bag of dog food. While there, she learned that Buck, our dog Bear's brother, was soon to be without a home. Buck lived with the same family that gave up Bear. Now they are giving up Buck. I sure would like to adopt him so the two brothers could be reunited.

A new home may already be secured, but I have been scheming. Reasons not to get him are money, more time, and more mess. Reasons to get him are to give Bear company, reunite siblings, and to put more love in our house.

It probably won't happen, but I haven't given up on the idea yet.

I don't know if the "Buck" stops here or not. Time will tell.

Until the next time
John Strain