
Back Door Santa

B.B. KingNo griping about political correctness today. Today is for dancing. That's right, you read it correctly; dancing. What's that you say; you don't know how to dance; you don't have any music? I have taken care of that. Simply turn up your speakers and click the photo of B.B. King. Let me know what you think. Did this song get you up out of your seat and moving across the floor? If you close your eyes and use your imagination, you could imagine yourself on Bourbon Street. Come visit me for a while.

To engage in thought and debate too much results in an underlying anger and frustration. Music is the great equalizer and B.B. King can smooth out the kinks as good as anyone.

Please have a nice dance and carry it on to a wonderful weekend.

Here's a little test I procured from Sarah:


You scored 63 masculinity and 56 femininity! You scored high on both masculinity and femininity. You have a strong personality exhibiting characteristics of both traditional sex roles.
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 63% on masculinity
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You scored higher than 30% on femininity
Link: The Bem Sex Role Inventory Test

Until the next time
John Strain


2+2=4 whether you like it or not

Wednesday morning, Barb had the Today Show on TV and Katy was talking to some "expert" about the latest weight loss method. Right on cue, I began talking to the television, voicing my views. I guess that is a guy thing, but I carry on a dialogue with the news people. A lot of what I see on TV requires my comment and it is a good way to blow off steam.

In my tirade, I said that the way to lose weight is no secret. One just needs to move around more and eat less. Why is it that in the presence of the truth, people search for alternative answers? That was a rhetorical question, because I know the answer.

People look for alternative answers because they don't like the truth. These folks want something, but do not want to pay the price to get it. In so doing, they embark on a fool's errand.

As kids, we fall victim to advertisements and con men telling us we can have something the easy way, but by the time we become adults, we should know better.

There are no shortcuts or easy way outs. Success is the result of work, effort, perseverance, and knowledge. One bit of knowledge is an understanding of the rules. If we are talking about weight loss, we need to learn about exercise and nutrition. Of course there are exceptions, but you better be exceptional. Most folks get what they want, because they paid the price and followed the rules.

Some choose to seek out alternative answers and look for the shortcuts. They waste time and money and inevitively wind up disappointed. Others choose to make excuses and blame.

The first set of folks who choose alternative answers try the diet pills and all of the fad diets. They are the ones who answer the get rich quick spam emails. Carnivals and confidence men grow fat on this group of folks.

The second group assumes the victim role. They believe to blame someone for their failure or to have a good excuse for their failure gives them license to sit on their keister the rest of their days.

Mayor Nagin has been going to cities where large concentrations of evacuees are living and holding town hall meetings. I have seen them on the local media. Many evacuees railed against the mayor, governor, president, and everyone but themselves. Their sense of entitlement is nauseating. They demand housing, good paying jobs, and sustenance until they are chauffeured back to New Orleans.

On Tuesday, several hurricane evacuees testified to a house committee in Washington. They blamed race for their troubles. Dyan "Mama D" French played to the cameras, pointed fingers, and did herself harm. Her blowing off steam and accusing white people of blowing up the levees wastes an opportunity on a National stage.

Here are two words for all of the blamers and excuse makers: SO WHAT.

So what if there is racism. Are you going to wait until it goes away until you get what you want?
-Racism is here to stay and here is a news flash; white people are not the only racists.

So what if your parents didn't hug you every day. Are you incapable of having a good life because of it?
-Don't let anyone keep you from happiness.

So what if a hurricane blew your house down. Does anyone owe you anything because of it?
-If you want help, don't demand it, with humility ask for it. Plenty of people are rebuilding; black and white.

The vocal minority gets the press because they generate the controversy. The many folks, black and white, who are going on with their lives are boring to the press.

So for those of you whining babies out there, make excuses, blame, do what you want, but you will never succeed. Accept reality, do what you can do, humbly ask others for assistance - if you really need it, and you will get a lot closer to what you want.

Your life is a result of your choices. If you don't believe that, you will have to rub the salve of blame and excuses on your unfulfilled dreams so you can get to sleep at night.

This article made my blood boil.
Racism cost lives, New Orleans evacuees say

Until the next time
John Strain


Christmas Card

George and Laura Bush sent me my first Christmas card this year again. It is nice to be "in" with the President. You can click the card for a larger version if you want to see it better.
Christmas card from the White House

Now I need to send them one.

Until the next time
John Strain


Three Pics

Photo 1 from an AM walkPhoto 2 from an AM walkPhoto 3 from an AM walk
I like to take my camera with me when I walk the dog. Today, we had frost on the ground and it was our coldest morning of the year so far, about 28 degrees. Anyway, I photographed what was once a wooded lot before Katrina did some landscaping. A lot of the brush and trees have been removed in our town, but the stumps still remain. To me the stumps look like large badminton shuttlecocks lying around. The streets are still lined with debris from houses like, major appliances, sheetrock, carpeting, and furniture. I am not sure what is going on. Debris removal was going along well, but not so recently.

I sure hated to see that lot get damaged so badly. I will photograph it in the spring and compare the pictures. My guess is mother nature will make it beautiful again, only in a different way.

When things change, it is best if we accept it and look for the good in the change instead of mourning what will never be again.

Until the next time
John Strain



I was walking Bear the other morning. As I passed a pile of debris from the hurricane, some out-of-place color caught my eye. Do you see it there?
Hurricane debris

Look a little closer.

Hurricane debris

From death comes life.

Hurricane debris

How bad can things be when we are surrounded by such beauty, order, and grace?

Until the next time
John Strain