
The Polar Express

Great movie. It will make you cry for all the right reasons. I believe.

Enjoy the song, just click the pic.

The Polar Express

Until the next time
John Strain


The Light

It was a desolate scene; dry and dusty. A man was being harassed by soldiers. As the soldiers laughed and jeered, the man was on his knees crying. His face looked to the heavens and he began to plead with the emotion hewn from years of abuse and ridicule. His plea was to God and his question was, "How long must I suffer?"

The man spoke for an entire people. They had been waiting for their Messiah to appear, break their shackles of abuse, and return them to power. They were looking for a conqueror to turn the tables.

Then it happened; in the darkness of a Bethlehem night, the Light entered the world. Few took notice.

The Light did not illuminate the world with one great flash or beam, nor did it happen all at once. From humble beginnings and steady influence, His light spread. It spread, as his followers were obedient to his words and faithful to pass them on.

So the Light is here; in the world; but is it in you?

Even if you do not believe in God, or if you do not believe that Jesus is God in the flesh, you must see the logic of examining yourself from time to time. You must see the economy of looking inward.

So in this Christmas season, it is my wish that people might stop for a moment. Stop judging others. Stop blaming the other party. Stop demanding perfection of others while settling for much less from themselves. Stop their jealous assaults on people who are trying and doing while they do nothing. Stop trying to make their children into something that won't embarrass them instead of helping them bloom into whatever they want to be. Stop spreading hate and discord. Stop whining and expecting a life without struggle.

Once these things are stopped, folks can look inward. What will they see when they look within? Will they see the Light? Are they living up to the standards they demand of others? If not, do they endeavor to improve.

It might do us all some good to be visited by the ghosts that haunted Mr. Scrooge. He looked within and saw darkness. Fortunately, there was time and he became a changed man.

There is time for us too. How will our individual stories of looking inward conclude?

Until the next time
John Strain


Fun with Santa

Disco Santa

Since it is Monday, why not have a little fun with Santa. Click the photo and you will have the chance to make Santa dance one of three ways. You can change the music and play with the background. Don't give him too much of a workout though, we need Santa nice and chubby.

You can have more Christmas fun here if you are so inclined.

If you are looking for something a bit more meaningful than playing with a disco Santa, why not read "The Gift of the Magi." It is a wonderful story about giving and receiving.

Christmas is coming!

Until the next time
John Strain


I double dog dare ya

In my unscientific opinion, I believe that the phrase, "I double dog dare you," has more power over men than it does over women. With men, common sense and fear melt at these words, because it is a far better fate to be crippled, maimed, or in some sort of trouble than it is to be known as a chicken.

People are motivated by all kinds of things. Most mature individuals are drawn toward a goal and the reward it offers. A dare, on the other hand, is different. It entices a person to do something they would rather not, because of what "not" doing "it" would mean.

This is why men are so vulnerable. As much as men say, "I don't give a damn about what anyone thinks;" they really do care. Women have known this for ages and have manipulated men using this very mechanism. Here is how they do it. Men, have you ever heard these words from a woman? "Can you fix this or should I call my daddy?"; and to a group of men, "Can any of you lift this, it is really heavy." In the first instance, the man would take immediate action to correct the problem rather than have her daddy think he is not mechanically inclined or that he is incompetent. In the second instance, the men would fall all over themselves to be "the one" to lift the item to show the other men how strong they are.

Maybe you remember the scene in the movie "A Christmas Story." One of the kids was dared, and eventually "double dog dared" to stick his tongue on an icy pole. He only did it after the double dog dare and he endured the pain rather than be known as a chicken.

I am sure I have taken dares and suffered consequences. If I could think of any, I would tell you, but my masculine denial protects me from remembering such assaults to my ego.

The 10-mile race today was cold and rainy. All week the weather forecast no doubt had people questioning if it was worth the pain just to run a race. I am sure more than one runner called into question the resolve of his running buddy. I did with my pal Marty. I called him on Friday and asked him, "Are you still going to run the race?" His response, "Sheeeeeeiiit, why are you asking me - are you going to run it?" We went back and forth some, and then I said, "I told Barbara you probably wouldn't run it, because of the weather." I knew then, there was no way he could not run it.

We both did fine. I exceeded my goal of 1:15:00 with a time of 1:13:54, which is a 7:23 pace. It was cold at the start, but once the race began the body heat took care of the weather. The rain was only mist at first then light rain toward the end. It was a good time.

Well, I hope your Christmas preparations are coming along the way they need to and I double dog dare you to have a nice weekend.

Until the next time
John Strain


Day Off

I have a day off today and tonight is the company Christmas party. Tomorrow morning is a 10 mile race and it is supposed to be cold and rainy. That's the breaks. Right now I am going to take the dog on an extra long walk. After that I have lots of odds and ends to do like ordering Christmas presents, some yard work, and all kinds of exciting stuff.

I will be back later on with a more respectable post.

Until the next time
John Strain