
Ice Bath

Here's something you can try if you need excitement in your life. Fill a tub up with enough water to cover your legs, add three bags of ice, and hop in for about 20 minutes.

I just described an ice bath and I take 3 or 4 a week. Why? you may ask. Not because I am hard up for thrills and it isn't a revolutionary way to shrink swollen prostate glands.

Then why?

OK, OK, I'll tell you. It speeds recovery of sore muscles. Craziness gives way to craziness. I start by running a long way. I run so far that my muscles get sore. The cure is more pain and discomfort - hopping into an icy tub. Maybe it would make more sense not to run and then there would be no need for the ice.

The science is more anecdotal where ice baths are concerned. They are supposed to drain the legs of blood, reduce swelling and inflammation, and generally invigorate the muscles.

From what I found in Internet searches, most folks soak for about 10 minutes. I have been doing it for 20 minutes. I figure it is the same as with medication. If one pill is good, then 2 pills are twice as good.

My coach first brought these cold soaks to my attention. Over the years, I have taken to them and they are a part of my routine. They really do reduce soreness and get me recovered and ready for the next run.

Here are a few links if you are interested:

I have been doing these ice baths for at least two years now and the only thing I have noticed is the disappearance of my nads and a markedly higher voice. Other than that, my muscles feel fine.

I am even going to buy a little freezer to make my own ice. I figure it will pay for itself in about a year. 3 bags of ice cost nearly $5.00.

So give it a try. Don't just take my word for how fun it is.

Until the next time
John Strain


The occasional blogger

I checked and I only posted 13 times in October. I have noticed my inspiration and motivation for posting slowing down. I need Geritol for writers.

I am on my fourth year of this blog. Maybe that is enough time to say what is in me. It ain't easy coming up with something new every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mardi Gras, Spring, Fall, and you name the event. That is the challenge I suppose.

In college I took professors that I liked, but noticed after two or three semester classes, they just said the same thing. I feel like I am doing that here. I have certain values and I superimpose them on current events, recollections, and most anything else.

I haven't completed my life's story, so I can get back to that. I started a book entitled "Lamron" a couple of years ago and I can get back to writing it. I am just thinking out loud.

Problems are opportunities. If the problem is I don't know what to write, then the opportunity is; I have a wide-open opportunity to write what I want. I know in school I often said, "I wish I could write what I want instead of this lame assignment." Well, now's my chance.

I am running a lot since my next marathon is coming up the 25th. The one after that is the next Saturday. Here is my running schedule for last week and this week:

18, 0, 8, 0, 13, 7, 0
16, 0, 10, 0, 12, 8, 0

I have been getting home from work around 7:00 PM and by the time Barbara and I eat some dinner, walk the dog, and watch a little TV, it is bedtime. I need to snap out of this rut and experience something that will inspire me.

We are driving a PT Cruiser rental because John has our car and we have his in the body shop getting a new bumper. Some lady in a mini van ran into him back in July. That is exciting.

Life may not be a thrill a minute, but I am not complaining. I like everyday stuff. I enjoy walking the dog, smelling the air and looking at what nature serves up for that day.

I like seeing the same people each day, and going through familiar actions. Those things give me a kind of assurance. Life gets exciting enough, but it is usually on a timetable other than my own. I am not usually consulted prior to exciting events. I guess if I were, they wouldn't be exciting.

I will keep writing, even if it is not as often as it once was. Life continues on and so do I.

Until the next time
John Strain


An Update on Ben

We heard from Ben last week. If you remember, Ben was in SEAL training. Last Sunday night began what they term Hell Week. He made it until Tuesday night before he rang the bell - which is how you retire from the training.

Most of us complain if it is raining and we have to go to work or complain that it is too cold at work. Compare what SEAL candidates go through and it is far beyond our comprehension.

I am very proud of Ben. 70% of the condidates never advance beyond Hell Week. On the other hand, many try for a secend or third time. The instructors test a man's mental and physical ability and they take them to the brink.

You can go to Youtube and watch some videos about Hell Week if you want an idea of what they go through. Keep in mind, they have already had several weeks of difficult training before Hell Week even begins.

I would not count Ben out. He is determined and driven. Now he has a better idea what to expect.

We can rest easy at night knowing there are young men willing to challenge themselves and sacrifice for their country.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Until the next time
John Strain


Dog light

by Bear

Hi everyone, it's me Bear.

I wanted to show you what Daddy bought me for when we go outside in the dark. It is a reflective belt and a little blinking light.

Bear's night safety equipment

I got a bright green stretchy belt that reflects light. Then he bought a little blinking light that he snapped on top of the belt.

Daddy bought a blinking light for himself too. Tonight we tried them out. When he put the belt on me, it was too tight and I was trying to take it off. Daddy laughed, but he loosened it and I felt better.

Daddy took me outside and threw the ball for me and laughed, because all he could see was a blinking light moving around the yard. Mommy laughed too.

I like my new stuff. Daddy says the cars can see us a lot better and we won't get run over unless someone is a total moron.

If you want to see some of the stuff Daddy bought, look at this web site: Road ID. They have all kinds of neat stuff.

I got my stitches out the other day from my operation. Daddy says I don't have to go to the vet for a long time now. That's a relief.

I sure like the cooler weather. It makes me frisky and I can run real fast without getting tired.

I guess I better wrap this up. It is past my bedtime.

Bye for now and remember to put blinking lights on if you're going out at night.



A prayer for Ben

Ben is in the blue shirt

Say a prayer for Ben and keep him in your mind. This is Hell Week.

Ben is in SEAL training in California. Week four of phase one is called Hell Week. Click the link above for the description.

Good luck Ben.

Until the next time
John Strain