
Coffee's on

The coffee is dripping, the dog is waiting to go outside, and I need to get Barb up so we can head to the gym. Now that I cannot run, I have been going to the gym and she has started working out again. I am off today. There is plenty of neglected yard work to keep me busy. It wouldn't hurt to spruce up the yard a bit in advance of the Olympia Parade Party on Saturday night. If you are in the area, stop by. It will be fun.

I think I am going to the eye doctor today too, if I can get in. Yesterday, I started seeing a bunch of floaters in my right eye and the vision is a bit blurry - even for me. It is still that way this morning so something ain't right.

Oh man. Smell that coffee. I am heading for the pot and will start the IV.

Have a nice weekend folks.

Until the next time
John Strain


I got my tickets

March Madness Baby!!!! Hear those words as if Dick Vitale were saying them.

Friday, March 16 and Sunday, March 18, the New Orleans Arena is one of the venues for the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament Rounds 1 and 2. New Orleans is one of 8 cities that weekend to host first and second round games. The other citties are: Buffalo, Lexington, Sacramento, Winston-Salem, Chicago, Columbus, and Spokane.

It will be a good father / son bonding time for John and I and another friend and his son. I can't wait.

I suppose it would be too much to ask to have my favoirte team the Jayhawks be here too. I shouldn't be greedy.

This weekend the Mardi Gras Season kicks into high gear. Saturday, the annual Olympia Parade passes near my house and we have a party for the occasion. You're all invited.

But for now, I need to get ready for work. It's just Wednesday.

Until the next time
John Strain


Creative Juices

Lately I have been feeling those ol’ creative juices flowing. It has been a long dry spell for me. For a long time I have felt nothing and I have had zero motivation to produce anything.

Things like that go in cycles. Now I find myself wanting to make more videos and better learn the associated software. I am upgrading to Final Cut Studio and that carries quite a learning curve.

On the work front, I am working on producing quality presentations for training purposes. When I get this way I feel like there isn’t enough time to do all of the things I want to do. I enjoy doing so many things. I think about going to back to school.
What usually happens is I swipe the surface of many things; a jack-of-all-trades and master of none.

Maybe I will change that. Apple offers certification for their Pro software. One can do self-guided study and then take a test. I may set a goal to do that.

At any rate, the creative juices are flowing and I like it when that happens.

Until the next time
John Strain


Words are not enough to express our thanks

Thanks to my cousin Joy in Blair, Nebraska for sending me this video. It speaks for itself.

INTREPID: unafraid, undaunted, unflinching, unshrinking, bold, daring, gallant, audacious, adventurous, heroic, dynamic, spirited, indomitable; brave, courageous, valiant, valorous, stouthearted, stalwart, plucky, doughty; informal gutsy, spunky, ballsy. Antonym timid.

Until the next time
John Strain


First of the month

It's the first of the month; time to give the dog his heart worm pill. The rent is due, but the paycheck isn't for another week. Cash flow problems? It was a problem 10 years ago; now it is just a state of being.

February is a great month. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Mardi Gras
2. My 24th wedding anniversary
3. The Olympus Parade passes near my house
4. Valentine's Day
5. Ground Hog Day.
6. The last month before I turn 50

It has been raining here so much, I feel like I am in Seattle. Every weekend has been rain the entire year. Like Mark Twain (a fine Missouri boy) said, "Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it."

How about the 2008 Presidential election? Soon the candidates will be vying for a slot in the 2012 race. Is it just me or is it too early? Bush has 2 years to go and all the press can talk about is who is next.

I have my usual gripes. Candidates are playing gotcha and not discussing any issues. They seem much more concerned about getting power than they do going on record with what they would do if they had power.

Blah, blah, blah.

I love the fact that Edwards feels qualified to talk about how bad things are and is the champion for the poor. Never mind he just built the largest house in his county, a 28,000 square foot home. There is nothing wrong with being rich, but I think it is "rich" that Edwards acts as though he were one of the so called "working men" out there.

Good grief.

I'm not going to get myself worked up. I need to pace myself. It is a long way until the election.

At any rate, Happy February everyone.

Until the next time
John Strain