
A picture is worth a thousand words



by Bear

Bear's going on a trip

Hi Everyone, it's me Bear.

I have some good news. I get to go with Mama and Daddy to see Grandma and Aunt Becky in Missouri this weekend. I usually have to stay at my doctor's place. I hate it there. It's no fun being away from your family and cooped up with a bunch of strange dogs. All those things you ever heard about prison are true.

Anyway, the picture is from last year when Mama and Daddy were leaving to go to the Pensacola Marathon. Daddy can't run right now because he pulled a groin muscle. So since they have a few days off for Mardi Gras, they are going to Missouri.

Yesterday, Daddy called the vet to have me boarded (grrrrr, snarl) but they didn't have any room for a big dog. Daddy called Grandma to tell her and she said to bring me along. I hope Grandma's two cats don't bother me. You know how cats can be.

Also, Uncle George is going to come with his dog Murphy. I can't wait to see the new sights and smell the new smells. Best of all, I get to be with my family the whole time. Yippppeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Grandma will be happy because she will have all of her children in one spot for the first time in a long time. I will get to meet Mr. Rocky for the first time too. I heard he really likes dogs. I figure that will translate into some treats. Wag, wag, wag.

I'd better go, I have to get my bones packed, clean my dog bowl, and make sure Daddy remembers my leash. I can't wait.

Bye for now,


Happy Valentine's Day

Here's to a great Valentines Day folks.

I thought of Leslie when I saw this photo.

How about a nice Valentine's Day song.

Until the next time
John Strain


The eye doctor

I have logged a lot of hours at the eye doctor. Yesterday was another chapter in the book. It is funny that no matter how old I become, my childhood memories are always close by. Sitting in that office waiting for the doctor to come in and begin the exam was just like it was when I was 6 or 7. The only difference was my mother wasn’t in there making sure I didn’t play with any of the big machines.

The office hasn’t changed much in almost 50 years. The chair is about the same; big, bulky, and an ugly but durable plastic material. Assorted posters hang on the wall displaying the anatomy of an eye. The counter next to the chair is littered with bottles of eye drops, a box of Kleenex, and a big projector that shines on a mirror for eye testing.

I always get my eyes dilated so the doc can see inside better. That means a few drops then another wait in a dark room while the pupils are opening up. The eye doctor is all about waiting.

Yesterday’s appointment was brought on because of something that happened on Thursday. I began seeing a lot of spots, flashes of light, and some blurred vision in my right eye. It was a little better the next day. Some of the problems persisted over the weekend, so on Monday I called the office and got an appointment for 12:30.

Before I knew it I was sitting in that old familiar office with 40 year old memories floating around in my head. Memories of the Plaza in Kansas City and Dr. Eubanks. In those days, doctors were magic men. They knew everything and maybe they even knew how to make me see better. I always had faith and hope in those guys. Now not so much, but that is more a product of my growing up and realizing that doctors are smart, but they don’t have a corner on the magic market.

I like my current ophthalmologist. I met him coaching baseball ten years ago or so. We have sons the same age and we got to know each other on the ball diamond. He did the lens implant surgeries on my eyes and has taken pretty good care of me.

Eventually, the door opened and he came in holding my chart. I told him my story and he began the exam. He began with the little machine you rest your chin on, but quickly graduated to the lenses and head lamp. Then he pulled out a real thick lens, put some kind of gel in my eye, and placed the lens right on my eye.

As he looked from various angles shining the light, he talked out loud. “I don’t see red blood cells . . .there’s a lot of debris in there . . . something happened . . . I don’t think that is a retinoschisis . . . blah, blah, blah.”

He was thinking and scratching his head. Something had happened, he wasn’t sure what. He called his colleague into the room so he could take a look. They agreed on ruling out a couple of retina problems, but also believed the retina wasn’t right.

The bottom line for now is I have an appointment with a retina specialist from Tulane next Thursday. Whatever is wrong is not an emergency. So I will have to wait and see what the next guy says.

So drop in next week to find out the next chapter; I’ll have an eye out for you.

Until the next time
John Strain


Parties on the bayou

Bear wearing his beads

Bear in the spirit of the moment
At Big Dick's request, I am exposing my breasts. They're in there somewhere.

Hi Everyone it's me Bear,
Mardi Gras is in full swing now. A parade comes close to my house and my daddy had a party. They don't let dogs go to parades in Covington anymore, because some mutt bit somebody and ruined it for the rest of us.

Some dogs aren't too bright.

Anyway, I got to hear it. I heard sirens, marching bands, horse hooves clopping on the street, motorcycles, children yelling, and tractors pulling floats. I don't mind staying home though, because that is where a lot of food is. I get all kiinds of treats I am not supposed to eat.

Sunday morning after the parade, Daddy walked me along the parade route and I found more food. Daddy kept pulling me away from it though, he said it was nasty. Shoot, that's the best kind of stuff to find.

So Happy Mardi Gras if I don't get around to posting before next Tuesday. Do something fun even if you are in one of those places with 10 feet of snow.

Bye for now,