
NFL Releases Commemorative Ball

Game Ball


Abuse of Power

When I get angry it is usually because of some abuse of power. If a man batters a woman he is abusing not only her but his power over her. In the same way, employers take advantage of employees. Universities abuse their power over students. Politicians misuse funds and the trust given to them by the people.

Let me give a few examples of abuse of power:

1) My son attends a nearby college. Parking is inadequate. Freshmen have to learn the hard way where they can and cannot park. Tickets are issued faster than "time share condo" flyers are passed out in the French Quarter. The university must make a tremendous amount of money from this practice. They could provide more parking or even signage. They could have their police posted and warn people before the fact, but I imagine the money they receive is substantial. I would rather they just raise tuition $100 and not nit pick you to death. The anger grows, because you feel had, taken advantage of, and without recourse.

2) I have already mentioned the Janet Jackson thing. She abused her moment in the spotlight much like Terrell Owens did with the San Francisco 49ers when he took out a Sharpie and signed a football to give away after scoring a touchdown. Joe Horn for the Saints made a cell phone call after a touchdown. All incidents were planned, staged, and carried out for self-promotion.

I remember in a college class, the professor was talking about celebrity. He told us that only in recent years did the English allow a microphone at center court Wimbledon to talk to the champion. He said it was resisted, because, all they did was win a tennis match. Their views on politics and world events are not any better because they can play tennis. What could they say anyone would want to hear? Contrast that opinion with how we view celebrities in America. We assign more weight to the opinion of a celebrity. Madona gives parenting advice. Barbra Streisand gets her views out there, not because she is a political scientist, but because she is an actress and singer.

3) Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton abuse their power to strong-arm corporations for money. They have profited individually while pretending to promote their racial concerns. They abuse the very people they say they represent.

4) The mentally ill are abused all the time by so called "group home directors." In Louisiana at least, individuals set up group homes, usually without a license. They overfill them with people who receive a social security check. They charge the person the bulk of their check promising to provide food and shelter. What is delivered is often an over crowded room with people physically and mentally ill who are in essence slaves. They are treated as cattle. I call them check farms. Every now and then one is shut down, but the mentally ill are not welcome in society and if someone keeps them off the street, no matter how squalled the conditions, who is going to complain?

5) In the Bible, when Jesus became angry and turned over the tables of the money changers it was because one religious group was abusing their power and preventing another group of people access to worship.

Abusing power or influence is something we have all done and must guard against doing. I recognize it when it is being done to me easier and quicker than when I am doing it to someone else. It angers me most, because it is most unfair. The feeling I get is, "John, I am not doing this to you because it is logical or it makes sense. . . I am doing it because I can."

The opposite of abusing power is fairness, justice, compassion, respect, and love.

Think of your best boss. He or she probably did not ask you to do anything he or she would not do themselves. Think of the helpful person at the DMV or customer service department of a business. I bet they were personable, helpful, and kind instead of cold, unfeeling, and arbitrarily making decisions that did not solve your problem.

When we say, "life isn't fair," we state a truth, but it does not have to be that way insofar as our behavior toward one another is concerned.

Look around yourself some. The next time you get angry, see if there is some power being abused to your detriment. Then keep this line in mind, I came up with it the other day when I was bitching about someone over me with power turning the screws: "Have you read the book 'Animal Farm'? Just remember, the pigs lost." It made me feel better.

What do you think?

TGIF and POETS (piss on everything tomorrow is Saturday)

Until the next time

John Strain


If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them

John's Right Breast

I am displaying my right breast in hopes of boosting my blog readership. Maybe Janet Jackson is on to something. If she is, I want to cash in with her. If I can't be first, I will be second. I wonder where she bought that little silver thing she had on hers? I figured by showing my bare nipple I would create more of a shock.

This is no accident. As you can see, there is no clothes malfunction, because I am not wearing any. I am a little concerned about all of the bumps on my nipple though. I never noticed them until I photographed my breast today. Are they normal or should I go to the doctor? I feel OK.

I hope this works, it sure beats thinking up clever things to write about. I can save a lot of time, but I only have two breasts. Maybe I could use Photoshop to make different colored breasts. That's it! It will be like having millions of breasts if my computer's video control panel is telling me the truth. I'll never run out of material.

I can see it now. I will go to Google and type in "john strain's right breast." Then I will click the images tab and hit return. In a matter of seconds, pages of thumbnails displaying my breast will pop up. i can't wait.

My ultimate goal, besides getting more hits and readers, is to win the "booby prize" at the next Bloggies. If I win, I am going to show my belly button - that will really shock them and get me more hits.

Thanks Janet for the publicity ideas. Now I am going to sit back and watch the old Sitemeter spin around like an odometer of a NASCAR.

Until the next time

John Strain


Abortion Comments

I thought I was taking a risk when I wrote my views about abortion. I had hoped to spark good discussion and a civil exchange of ideas in contrast to the usual one sided recitation of partisan viewpoints. I am both humbled and overwhelmed by your comments. They far exceeded any risk I thought I was taking and conveyed both heart felt and eloquent sentiments. I was going to tackle the subject of racism today, but I wanted to take some time to honor those of you who shared your personal experiences and beliefs about the topic of abortion.

Based on what I knew of my regular commenters, I was pretty sure I could address controversial subjects without starting a bitter, exchange of insults. Your comments challenged my thinking on the topic and they have changed my perspective.

• I still believe the decision should be the woman's choice and abortion should be an option.

• I do not believe government could devise a workable alternative to the first point.

• I have a fresh understanding of the struggle women go through when contemplating abortion.

• I believe there is a need out there for support. Instead of preaching and shaming we should offer compassion and support for whatever they choose.

Two commenters shared personal experiences of rape. They both struggled with the decision. They chose differently. Their choice changed their lives, but it was their choice as it should be. Thank you Rachel and Phyllis for sharing your stories.

There are no easy answers to complex problems. A global solution would work for some, but undoubtedly negatively affect far more. One thing I am sure about, if our country addressed issues in the same way my few commenters did this topic, we would arrive at better solutions.

Until the next time

John Strain


The Gray Area: Abortion

I am going to take a bit of a risk and express my beliefs about some controversial topics this week. It is my opinion true debate is rare today. Instead of an exchange of ideas, people scream their talking points at each other. The sides are polarized and therefore, equally wrong, just wrong for different reasons.

The truth is somewhere in between black and white. The truth is often a gray area. I hope to stimulate your thinking to examine your own beliefs on these topics. Perhaps we can set a civilized example of discussion for our politicians.

I have a perspective. I am a white, middle aged, baby boomer who lives in Louisiana. I work as a social worker in a psychiatric hospital. I am married and have one son. What I have experienced and learned in my life add up to views and opinions on and about everything. Different perspectives equal different views and opinions. The end result is diversity. Diversity offers fresh looks at things - if people are willing to look.

Abortion Facts:

In the United States about 1.6 million pregnancies end in abortion. Women with incomes under eleven thousand are over three times more likely to abort than those with incomes above twenty-five thousand. Unmarried women are four to five times more likely to abort than married and the abortion rate has doubled for 18 and 19 year olds. Recently the U.S. rate dropped 6 percent overall but the rate of abortion among girls younger than 15 jumped 18 percent. The rate among minority teens climbed from 186 per 1,000 to 189 per 1,000.

More abortion facts.

Both Sides of the Abortion Debate

The Pro Choice position holds women have the right to choose abortion as an option of birth control. It is a constitutional right as Row v Wade has established. The current law allows unrestricted abortions during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If abortion were not legal, women would get them anyway in the back allies. If not, poor women would be forced to raise children they cannot afford. The rights of the mother supersede the rights of the unborn child.

The Pro Life position maintains life begins at conception. To unnaturally terminate a pregnancy by abortion is murder. The rights of the child are important and must be observed. Abortion has long term psychological effects on the woman.

Good description of Pro Life and Pro Choice

Politicians sooner or later are asked the question, "Do you believe in abortion?" A "yes" or "no" answer is expected. As if a yes or no to that question tells us anything about the politician. What can the president do about abortion anyway? I believe debating abortion with presidential candidates is not productive. The country is split on the issue. Row v Wade will not be overturned. Things are going to go on as they are. Abortions will stay legal for practical reasons.

Here are my views: On moral grounds, I do not believe in abortion. Life begins at conception. Debate about when life begins is ridiculous. Without an abortion, the pregnancy would produce a baby. Arguing about when a fetus is a person is splitting hairs. Abortion terminates a life.

On practical grounds, I believe it is best to leave the decision to the woman. I am not a fan of State interference. If limits were placed on abortions like mandatory counseling, it would only be something else for people to get around. People are going to do what they want. I agree making abortion illegal would cause women to go to the back allies. I also know that someone who does not want a child to the point they would abort them could not be forced to be a good parent. I wonder who would take care of all of the unwanted children? The state social agencies do a pretty poor job of it from my experience.

That said, I could not imagine saying yes to an abortion. Could you? I say it is OK for someone else, but when I think of myself making the decision, I know I could not do it. If I were a doctor, I do not believe I could perform abortions routinely for birth control. I wonder how doctors rationalize it to themselves.

The only women I have met who have had abortions were patients in a psychiatric hospital. They were deeply troubled and felt a lot of guilt. I have heard of many others through friends. I admit my experience is skewed. Maybe women have abortions without the turmoil, but I doubt it. A few years ago, My wife Barbara became pregnant. The baby never developed a heart beat and eventually the pregnancy had to be terminated. The baby was already dead, but the procedure removing the baby was quite emotional for her. How much worse would she have felt had she eliminated a healthy and developing baby?

In a perfect world a mom and dad would have a child and raise him or her in a loving home. In our world, however, couples make mistakes or are down right irresponsible resulting in unwanted pregnancies. Lucky for them, medicine can fix the problem, but at a high emotional cost.

I guess when it comes to social policy I lean toward Pro Choice. When I think about it on a personal level, I lean more to Pro Life. My emotions say abortion is wrong. My practical side reasons it may be necessary. I also wonder what abortion has deprived the world. What if some of these children had been born. Did we miss the cure for cancer, a great philosopher, or another Hitler? We will never know.

What do you think?

Until the next time

John Strain