
Beautiful Spring Day

Azalea March 04

The azaleas are about a week from their peak here, but this bush is showing off some pretty nice blooms. I love this color.

It is a beautiful spring day. Therefore, I shall spend it cleaning up the yard. Still lots of leaves to collect, beds to reclaim, and flowers to plant. I had a nice 10 mile run earlier today, so I am primed and ready to go. One other task is to kill the fire ant mounds which have been springing up. Muahahaha. Their death is nigh.

Until the next time

John Strain


Relax, It's Friday

Wet cat

Yes, it is Friday and you have earned a well-deserved rest. At least you can go home and work for yourself the next two days. Some weeks, I feel like this little kitty looks. I could not resist posting the pitiful thing.

I was surfing around the internet Thursday night and I found a pretty good humor resource. A lot of this stuff you probably received in your inbox at some time. It is called, The Humor Archives. Here is an example of what you will find there.

Photo: Man with a big cock (don't be shy, click this link)

Browse around the archive and get your Friday attitude on.

I found a website which talked about animal hoaxes. Here is one of the photos from that site.

Louisiana Swamp Wolf Apparently this is an actual photo taken from an advertisement with the following caption:

This is a rare Louisiana Swamp wolf. See how big this sucker is ? He's 230 lbs, was caught straight from out of the wild, and sired 10 litters of pups in his 3 years of life. Now wouldn't you be right proud to have one of his offspring for only $800 ? Free delivery. Call now !

The Jackalope

I had never heard of the Louisiana Swamp Wolf. I have, however, heard of the Western Jackalope. I have had fun over the years telling people about the Jackalope, a cross between a jack rabbit and an antelope. Who would fall for such a thing? I don't know, do you Debbie?


Well, enough foolishness, I better get to work. Here's to a great Friday and a better weekend.

Until the next time

John Strain




An unmistakable sign of spring is the advent of festivals. The first one of the season is the Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival. Ponchatoula is a little town 20 miles to our west. It is a typical south Louisiana festival. There is food, music, drinking, crafts, and much more. We have festivals for almost everything. Crawfish, shrimp, oysters, jazz, seafood, blue berries, blues, and more.

Here is a list of Louisiana festivals. These festivals are opportunities for road trips. They are lots of fun and educational. If winter is hanging on where you are, why not head south and take in one of these weekends of fun. In the case of Jazz Fest in New Orleans, you will need more than one weekend, but don't forget your sun screen.

I love this time of year. We celebrate our culture and take time to honor the things that make our lives so rich and fulfilled.

I'll see you at the Strawberry Festival. You will most likely find me by the strawberry daiquiri tent.

Until the next time

John Strain


School Bus


Pinocchio, Allen Iverson, and The Island of Bad Boys

Pinocchio turns into a donkeyIf you are familiar with the story of Pinocchio, you will recall he followed the wrong crowd and wound up on the Island of Bad Boys. To a kid, the island of bad boys looked like a paradise. There were amusement parks, nonstop eating and drinking of all the favorite foods, no rules at all. Yippppeee! Do what you want. No parents, bedtimes, or anything to cramp one's style. The shocking result however, was a transformation. Pinocchio the puppet wanting to be a boy had turned into a donkey instead. Can it be that unbridled fun and pleasure will turn someone into a jackass? In the case of Allen Iverson it did.

Allen Iverson is a very good basketball player for the Philadelphia 76ers. He is so good, he has gotten away with some pretty big runins with his coach. Superstars often behave badly. They adopt an attitude they are above rules that govern others. They see themselves as special cases. They refer to themselves in the third person. John Strain would never do that himself.

The latest thing with AI, Allen Iverson certainly not artificial intelligence, is he missed about 12 days of practice with a bruised knee. He was released to play and his coach wanted to bring him in the game off the bench. Well, AI does not come off the bench. AI is a starter. Therefore, protecting his reputation and showing little kids how to handle a dis, he takes off his uniform and sits out of the game. His team lost, but AI's point was made. I guess he showed them.

In case there was a misunderstanding about AI's level of conceit and low class, he removed all doubt with a locker room rant the next day. Obviously feeling justified by his actions, he defended his behavior. In an ebonic rant, AI told the camera he had never seen an Olympic champion come off the bench. He had never seen a former MVP come off the bench. Then why should he come off the bench? Allen Iverson is a starter. I do not know about the starter part, but AI is certainly a jerk lacking in class. He puts the "I" in team and the word team isn’t supposed to have an “I”

AI and Pinocchio share something in common. When they were exposed to getting what they wanted they both turned into asses. AI may have exceeded Pinocchio to become a total asshole.

What burns me up is looking at this man with obvious, unquestioned talent. This places him in a unique position to do a lot of good. He is idolized by children and a lot of grown ups. As far as basketball ability is concerned, he deserves it. What does he do with this unique opportunity? In my opinion, he squanders it. He is so self absorbed he somehow feels justified in acting like a little baby. Often when these superstars are asked about this example / role model thing, they get upset and deny they have any influence.

Someday, when this little boy grows up, if he grows up, I hope he realizes what a prick he was and does something about it. He will not always be "the man." Fame and talent is fleeting. He may someday wake up, look in the mirror and wonder where those donkey ears came from. I wonder if he has a Gemini Cricket whispering in his ear. If he does, I hope he starts listening.

Now contrast AI with people you know. Do you know anyone who is really happy, but does not have a lot of reason to be? I know a lot of folks like this. I work with them at the hospital. Some have mental illnesses that make their lives impossible by most people's standards, yet they smile and laugh. They appreciate a free coke or a kind word. Some folks I am thinking of have severe physical handicaps and they are having a happy life anyway. They have nothing materially or by way of fame like AI. Isn't it funny, how those who should demonstrate the most appreciation and gratitude often display the least. Conversely, the ones seemingly least likely to be grateful may exude the most.

I guess it is a mystery. Too bad for AI, he is the one to lose. He obviously does not "get it", life that is. Maybe someday he will, I hope so, I don't like to see anyone miss out.

Allen Iverson sitting on the bench refusing to play

Allen Iverson chose to not play yesterday, sitting on the bench in street clothes as his teammates lost to the Pistons. "Why would I come off the bench?" Iverson said. "I've been a starter for eight years. I'm a starter. I'm not the sixth man."

So what do you think?

Now read Becky's post. She tackles the same topic, but from a different perspective.

Until the next time

John Strain