
Jack LaLanne

jack LaLanneJack LaLanne will be 90 September 26. He pioneered exercise and fitness by bringing exercise to television. I remember my mother exercising to the Jack LaLanne show when I was a little kid in the early 60's. She even sent off for the blue rubber exercise thing he used on his show. It seems like I got into trouble for hitting my sister with it. ESPN Classic still airs his shows in the AM. I admire a person who has a passion and pours their life into it. Jack is one such individual.

Do you remember Jack LaLanne.

Happy birthday Jack. You are an inspiration to me.

Until the next time

John Strain



Living in the south, I have heard the term cracker occasionally. It is supposed to be racial and derogatory now, but its origin was descriptive. Apparently, cracker is synonymous with cowboy. It refers to the crack of the whip used in cattle and horse handling. At least, that's what they say. Nowadays, cracker is usually used with other terms. One blogger used the following string of words to describe George W. Bush supporters:

Those ignorant, cracker, hick, red-neck, rightwing, hillbilly, NASCAR-worshipping, semi-literate, bible-thumping yokels are the backbone of Bush supporters.

This guy captured the typical string of associated words to describe white, middle class, southerners dead on. Honestly, I think it is funny. When I hear such speech I crack up - I mean laugh. One point of criticism though, the writer should have capitalized the word "Bible."

Speaking of crackers, I enjoy eating peanut butter and crackers as a before dinner snack. If I weren't a cracker myself, I would have used the term appetizer, but I am semi-literate, see above. Anyway, I finished off a box of said crackers this evening and before I threw away the box, I noticed an oxymoron. Can you see it?

Cracker Box

I had to read it several times. Unsalted saltines???? If it were unsalted - then it wouldn't be a saltine now would it????

I just needed to ponder something other than the election and terrorism.

Until the next time

John Strain


Last Chance

If you don't think social work can be difficult at times, ponder this: I am trying to help someone who was kicked out of a place called "Last Chance." How the hell am I supposed to help an individual if they blew their last chance?

This true scenario reminds me of the time I called a crisis line for a phone number. I identified myself and let them know I only needed info. I was placed on hold since it was not an emergency. The music playing in the phone was Carly Simon singing, "I haven't got time for the pain." It was a good thing I was not a suicidal individual just looking for an extra nudge to make me "do it."

That's about all I have today, just a couple of random thoughts.

Have a nice Wednesday.

Until the next time

John Strain


One Year Later, Success

I wrote a post on September 20, 2003 entitled My Mind Finally Clicked: The Last Gasp of Denial. In this post I faced what I had been denying for a long time. Well, one year later, I am happy to report success.

9/20/03 9/20/04
Weight: 214 Weight: 173
Body Fat: 24.8% Body Fat: 14.9%
Cholesterol: 236 Cholesterol: 167
Waist: 36 Waist: 33
Running: No Running: Yes

This measure of success will continue only if I keep doing the things that got me here. I initially wrote the post to create some accountability. Earlier this year, I hired a coach for even more accountability.

I am just taking a moment to admire a mile marker not cross a finish line. What I began last year was a lifestyle change. I plan to keep it up.

Here's to goals conceived and goals achieved.

Until the next time

John Strain


Barbara's Birthday Dinner

Saturday night our gang celebrated Barbara's 46th birthday at a nice local restaurant named Sal and Judy's. Whenever I eat at this place I order the veal pane. It is so good; it melts in your mouth. For a long time now, about 13 years, our gang of four couples has had some great times. We have celebrated weddings, graduations, millenniums, 50th birthdays, and life in general. We have gone to Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, New Orleans, football games, concerts, limo rides, and just gathered at each other's houses for dinner. We know each other's extended families and consider each other family members. I do not know what I would do without these good friends. It takes time to cultivate good friends; to learn the history and to develop your own history. What is life if you have no one with which to share it?

Our latest gathering was Barbara's birthday and it was a typically fun night filled with good food, libations, and laughter.

John and Barbara in the bar

John and Barbara in the bar before the meal

The boys: Claude, John, Brian, Marty

The Boys: Claude, John, Brian, Marty

The Girls: Cindy, Barbara, Faye, Judi

The Girls: Cindy, Barbara, Faye, Judi (Cindy & Marty, Barbara & John, Faye & Brian, Claude & Judi)

Barbara, the birthday girl

Barbara the birthday girl: Now in her late 40's, hehe.

Happy birthday Barbara and here's to our friends, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Until the next time

John Strain