Good Friday: Love and Sacrifice
Friday, April 2, 2010 at 9:10AM
John Strain

For Christians, Good Friday illustrates the depth of love, backed by sacrifice that God has for us. Love and sacrifice are inseparable terms. It is putting your money where your mouth is. God became flesh and lived as an example for us to follow. That kind of love got Jesus killed, but He did not waiver on his values.

Jesus' life was an example of how we are to live.

There are examples of love and sacrifice all around us. There are also those who "say" they love you, but do not back the words with any meaningful action.

You do not have to die for someone to prove you love them, but you may. Our servicemen and women give their lives to serve their country. They do it for their country, values, friends, and family. They do it for love.

Many have jobs that require their life be on the line. I do not think anything short of love could propel someone to disregard his/her own life to help another.

Christianity is rarely cool in the current culture. The Romans outlawed it and executed those who professed their faith. Christians have been martyred and persecuted just for being Christians throughout history.

Christians are free to operate in the United States and many parts of the world today. However it is not without its detractors. Many see the Faith as old fashioned at best. So called intellectuals and elitists think Christians are naive, ignorant, and simpletons. Paul dealt with the same thing in his day:

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.  -I Corinthians 1:18

We all choose a way of life. If you decide to live as a Christian, you may be ridiculed and branded as, gasp, uncool. I happen to think the definition of "cool" includes thinking for yourself and making your own decisions instead of letting the fad of the moment be your rudder.

I am a Christian. I am not perfect by a long shot, but most of the time I am striving for those ideals. I know Jesus died for me and I am thankful. I have to sit and think about it and let it soak in. These things are not sound bites, they are truths that take a lifetime to comprehend.

That might be a good Good Friday assignment class. Think about how much God loves you. Think about how others have loved you and sacrificed for you. Think about how you have loved and sacrificed for others. Ask God to help you be a better person. 

Have a good Good Friday everyone,

Until the next time

John Strain

Article originally appeared on John's Online Journal (
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