
Nothing going on but the rent

Work really interferes with my life. Things could be worse; I could be unemployed. At any rate, I am still working on the squirrel guest blogger bit. It is coming, but I have a little piece of video I need first.

I am handling the no running directive from the doctor OK. Not really, it is driving me crazy. I have to use the orbital trainer at the gym and do all kinds of other exercises instead. That’s the breaks.

We are at a football fever pitch down here. The Saints are only one game away from their first Super Bowl appearance. All they have to do is beat the Chicago Bears on the road this weekend. I sure hope they do it. What a story that would be – to be 3 and 13 one year and go to the Super Bowl the next – unimaginable.

It’s getting late, so I need to get the coffee ready for the AM, let Bear out for his final pee, turn out the lights, and lock the door. I have a 4:30 am wakeup call to go to the gym. Yippee (said with all the sarcasm he could muster.)

Until the next time
John Strain


Guest Bloggers

John’s Online Journal is going to feature a new guest blogger in a day or so. Bear isn’t the only animal who can write. My squirrels have a go at the keyboard too.

I have a squirrel feeder nailed to one of my live oak trees. Each day I put a new ear of corn on it so they can have their breakfast. This takes some of the squirrel traffic away from the bird feeder.

Squirrels are really pig rats with bushy tails. It isn’t enough for them to eat that corn and the occasional bread, apple cores, and pancakes I throw out in the yard to boot. They found a way into the shed (corn crib) and feasted.

I have video and still photos to supplement the little bugger’s story, but I thought it would better if they told it first hand.

So stay tuned fans of typing animals. This weekend I hope to have a little video and post up for your edutainment.

Until the next time
John Strain



I have to let the groin / adductor heal and that means no running for a while. This is the first injury that has stopped me from running for a couple of years. That is a pretty long run - pun intended.

I will layoff running for two weeks, but do strengthening exercises and stationary bike or orbital trainer instead.

I probably jinxed myself by signing up for 4 marathons. That is one marathon this weekend and 3 in February. That's a donation of about $200. I also have to cancel some hotel reservations.

On top of that, I am probably out for the 44 miler in Kansas City in April.

I think I will wear pink to work today.

Until the next time
John Strain


Turn your head and cough

I am going to a sports medicine doctor today due to the groin pain. The purpose of the visit is to rule out anything serious such as a stress fracture or a sports hernia. If the pain is only from a groin pull / strain, the Rx will be rest and strengthening exercises.

On a brighter note, my Apple Computer Stock, now known as Apple Inc. went up 7% yesterday after CEO Steve Jobs announced the upcoming iPhone. That company comes up with the most cool stuff. If you are interested in getting wowed, go to the Apple website and watch the keynote address from Tuesday's MacWorld conference. Jobs demonstrates the iPhone and Apple TV.

Buy as many Apple products as you can. Those sales are making me money, ha.

I am in no way rich, but I have learned that a regular person can make some money in the stock market. My 401K is being managed by professionals, but I started an account with Sharebuilder. Each month, I buy $200 worth of stock. I have been doing this since May of 2005 and it has added up nicely.

I watch Jim Cramer's Mad Money every night and have learned a lot about the market and individual stocks from him. I wish I had started out younger. Oh well, the story of my life.

Regarding education, I just finished the book iWoz: How I invented the personal computer, co-founded Apple, and had fun doing it. by Steve Wozniac. My next reads are Jim Cramer's books: Real Money: Sane investing in an insane world> and Mad Money: Watch TV, get rich.

Now, let's say you do become rich. You may wind up with a spoiled daughter like this one:

I'll leave you with that little piece of family heaven.

Until the next time
John Strain


Marathon Therapy

My team may be out of the playoffs, but I can still run. Today calls for a 15 miler and it is raining. Lace'em up boys we're going anyway. What's a little rain?

I am not completely through with football season. The Saints are in the divisional playoffs next week. I hope they fare better than the Chiefs.

My heart goes out to Romo of Dallas. I hope he isn't beating himself up too much, but I would be if I were him.

I pulled a groin, but it was mine. That has me cutting back on intensity. I have decided not to run the Mississippi Marathon next week, because I don't want to miss my three in a row in February.

I am concerned about the Brew to Brew 44 mile run from Kansas City to Lawrence, Kansas. It is April 1, no foolin'. With this injury, I am not sure if I can be ready for it.

Stay tuned. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Until the next time
John Strain