
Northwest Florida Daily News Online

If you want to see the aftermath of a hurricane and get a better understanding of what the hurricane victims are going through, check out Northwest Florida Daily News Online. Today's paper is 40 pages and is loaded with photos and stories about individuals and their personal stories.

Hurricane Ivan Damage, Navarre Beach, Florida

I have spent a lot of time at Navarre Beach just east of Pensacola. The nice beaches are on a barrier island called Santa Rosa. This area was hard hit in 1995 with hurricane Opal and now by Ivan. Take a few moments and read about the impromptu cookouts that occur as people grill their thawing meat. There are stories of people sharing their generators, being polite in traffic, and there are stories of others taking advantage of the circumstancs. Find out the rest of the story about the 18 wheeler on the I-10 bridge.

It is a fascinating read and goes into more detail than the evening news.

God bless these folk, help them if you can.

(If you have problems with the above link, try this one: Daily News Home Page Click on "access paper." This paper is being offered free online until their delivery delays are improved.)

Until the next time

John Strain


Weekend Replay: Time

First posted October 6, 2003 Text Verson

this is an audio post - click to play

Until the next time

John Strain


Mother Nature Puts It All In Perspective

Man has harnessed the atom and walked among the stars. He has made machines to provide water in the desert, warmth in the wintertime and coolness in summer. If it is dark, man's artificial sun can light up the sky. The vast world has shrunk as our traveling machines carry us to the farthest corners of the globe in but a few hours. Man has fashioned a lifestyle laced with luxury. We have plenty to eat and plenty to entertain us. What is more powerful than man?

Mother Nature is.

Ivan is only the latest example of her power, but those with understanding also see her sublimity and grandeur in her stillness and simplicity. Man's pride and arrogance would have him believe he is in control, but he is not. Control is an illusion only believed by fools. It is the wise man that knows he depends on God's compassion.

The Psalmist was aware of the awesome power of God through nature as he wrote in Psalm 8: 3-4

When I consider your heavens,

the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars,

which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,

Just look up at the star filled sky some evening and see how big you feel. Listen to the thundering surf on a wind swept beach and hear the awesome power of the waves. Stand on a mountaintop and listen to the wind sing its ancient song. If you do, you will know humility, you will know gratitude, and you will know your place. Our place is not to be praised, but to praise, not to be recognized, but to recognize.

We live in a wonderful world. Surrounded by beauty and wonder we should be moved to offer thanksgiving to the God who created it all. I know I am.

Until the next time

John Strain


Blue Skies

The sun is out and the sky is blue. The wind is still whipping up a bit, but not in a destructive way. I have a lot of leaves and limbs in my yard to pick up, but compared to the folks in Alabama it is hardly worth mentioning. Today begins putting things back to normal. Boards will come off of houses, people who evacuated will return, and I will pull my plants, lawn furniture, and BBQ grill out of the shed. I try to keep in mind the times that worked out for me. This is one - being missed by a hurricane. There have been plenty of times I was not so lucky, but I want to remember these times too to balance the "not so lucky times" out.

Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted by this hurricane?

Until the next time

John Strain


Hurricane Party

Ivan is going to reek havoc in the Gulf Shores / Mobile, Alabama area. The photo of me on this blog is in Gulf Shores, which is on the Florida / Alabama state line. It makes me sad, because I have seen the aftermath of a hurricane first hand. I know the damage that is about to occur. There are so many condos, restaurants, and hotels. The Gulf Coast is a growing area and new construction is everywhere. Still, I am always inspired by the attitudes of the devastated. They politely share with the news reporter what they believe is really important. Standing amidst their ruin their answer is usually, life, family, and God. Then they look ahead and pledge to rebuild. It never ceases to place a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. The devastated have lost everything, yet they still give us a spiritual boost. Please help the hurricane relief efforts with some sort of financial donation.

Now, on my end, we are going to have a hurricane party. Some foolhardy people did this when Hurricane Camille hit the Mississippi Coast in 1969. The apartment building in which they partied was swept away by water driven by 200 mph winds - all were lost. Believe me, we are not in danger here so the party is not an expression of extremely poor judgment. That should keep my mother from worrying.

So, a few drinks await and we will sit under my carport and listen to the awesome power of the wind. They have downwardly adjusted our wind predictions. We should get winds from 35 - 50 mph with higher gusts. We should also receive little or no rain, which is unusual. Those to our east will not be so fortunate as Ivan comes ashore about 1:00 AM Thursday morning.

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. I have noticed some new readers. Thanks for stopping by and I will be writing you soon. For the rest of you, I am behind on my reading, but intend to catch up.

Until the next time

Hurricane John