
Out of the Mouth of Pups

Hi blogfolks, my name is Bear. I wanted to introduce myself to my master's friends. He is reading the sports page in another room right now, but he said when he was through, we would go for a walk. I don't know why he goes into that small room to read. The funny thing is, he pulls his pants down too. It is strange, but I never understand Master's completely.

Bear settles in to a new home

As you can see, I am settling in just fine. I think I am going to like it here. So far, I have gotten lots of attention. They pet me, feed me, and play with me. They have been impressed with all I know, especially when I was able to help LJ with his algebra homework.

Bear visits Hobo Garden

They told me all about their last pet Hobo. Here I am posing in front of the garden they built for him. I can tell they loved him a lot, so I know they will love me too.

Well, I think I hear my master coming. It sounds like swirling water and something smells dead. I am going on my walk now.

Have a nice weekend blogfolks.

Until the next time


Working Like a Dog because of One

This week has been outside of my usual routine and I am looking forward to creating a new rut. Routine = comfort for me. A routine means a lot less thinking and decision-making. The dog is settling in well. It helps he is so well trained.

The plan is going to have Bear inside in the evening and overnight, but out in his kennel during the day until we can trust him in the house alone. Right now he is laying behind me. He is my shadow; everywhere I go he goes. He marked his territory twice in the house. Other than that, no problems. Last night when we went to bed, he jumped up on the bed a couple of times. He did not want to be on the floor alone I guess.

Two weeks from Saturday is the Goat Milk Marathon. This little challenge is going to be tough. This weekend, we are going to Vicksburg and I will run 20 miles on the Goat Milk course. I hear the hills are frequent and steep.

Have you ever stepped on a rock and bruised your heel? Man that hurts. I was going out to get the paper this morning and stepped on a sharp rock. That sucker still hurts.

It is already Friday, yippppeeeee. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Until the next time
John Strain


Bear Comes Home

The face of BearI am tired and it is getting late so about all I am going to do for this post is put up a few photos of the pooch.

Here are links to some more Bear photos:

Sitting pretty

Dog Condo

Throw it, throw it!

Until the next time
John Strain


Dog Tired

It is 1:45 AM and I just finished assembling a dog kennel for Bear. I'm pooped. Tomorrow's 5:00 AM alarm will come early and then a 9 mile run. We are ready for the new dog. John and I will go get him today at 11:00 AM. We loved him right off and he is smart. If you say heel, he runs to your left side and sits. The next thing you do is throw a tennis ball, but Bear does not move until he gets the signal. He brings the ball back and when you say release, he puts it in your hand.

We watched him dive in the swimming pool and retrieve the ball and was treated to an all around good show.

I've got to go to bed, but I will keep you posted on our new family member.

Until the next time
John Strain


It's a Sign

In 1991 when we moved into this house, we wanted a dog. In an effort to spare a pup from dog jail, we went to the local Humane Society and picked out a nice Cocker Spaniel mix puppy. I named him Joe. Get it, Joe Cocker. Anyway, John was 6 years old and all excited. We could not have the dog for a few days, because he had to get fixed and lord knows what else. The day before we were to pick up Joe, I received a call from the Humane Society informing me that Joe had died of distemper or something. All of the pups in his cage met the same fate.

A good thing about pets is, children learn the meaning of death. I just did not think John would have to learn the lesson so quickly. Well a short time later, we saw a sign at a vet's office about a free black puppy to a good home. We went inside and met Hobo the dog we would have for the next 13 years.

Now, present day, we were getting used to being dogless when the vet called us about another pup. He was a nice lab mix, 9 months old, and very sweet. We mulled the decision over and over. Some of you have given your two cents worth. Yesterday, I grew the balls to call Dr. Maher and tell him we wanted to see the little pup.

Dr. Maher got on the phone and said, I have this great dog for you. He is a full breed black lab and 2 years old. He has papers, good stock, good genes, and he is trained. The owners divorced and for some reason need to get rid of him.

I asked Dr. Maher, "What about the 9 month old medium sized dog?" The doctor told me he was given away already.

Is this some sort of sign, we settle on one dog, but get the second one? I talked to Barbara about the lab. She is beaten down now and has stopped protesting. Then I called the vet back to say we wanted to see the new dog.

"By the way," I asked, "what is his name?" "Bear," the doctor replied. Now that's what I call a sign. "Bear," was my mom's last husband Warren's nickname.

I called John and Barbara to share the news. They were both doing the Twilight Zone theme in their heads I am sure. Then I told Barbara, "Now try telling my mother we aren't getting the dog." History repeating itself with the dog bait and switch is one thing, but the dog's name as bear constitutes a real sign - or maybe I am just looking for an excuse to get another dog. Naaaaa.

We go meet Bear today at 6:00 PM.

Until the next time
John Strain