

The goings on here in Louisiana have exposed some things. I am talking about people. When life is good and there are no challenges, most folks appear the same, but turn up the heat by adding some challenge and difficulty and you will see what is at a person's core.

Those with character and principle don't change. They are the same whether they are at peace or in the midst of difficulty.

What I have observed is many politicians are shallow. Instead of leadership and innovation, they blame and whine. Many remained politicians throughout the hurricane, proving they have almost completely eradicated all of their humanity. I am mainly referring to Mayor Ray Nagin and Governor Blanco. I liked Nagin before the hurricane, now my opinion is he is not very bright and his lack of insight will allow his arrogance to damage the future of New Orleans.

What I have observed is the military folks are the cream of the crop. They lead with confidence, common sense, and knowledge. I am impressed with Admiral Thad Allen and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore. These guys know what they are doing and they are getting results.

Maybe we should make our politicians go to boot camp before they take office. We would benefit if we did. I don't think Louisiana is unique. God help us if a nuclear terrorist attack happens or something big like the recent hurricanes, because our leaders are inept (generally speaking).

I think Governor Blanco is a nice lady and probably means well, but I think she lacks substance in the way of intelligence and innovation. It only takes a disaster to expose the weak links. The next election is our first chance to make sure we have capable, competent leaders. Voters better look at the resumes of prospective politicians and elect the best qualified.

We are in a heck of a mess, but we have the power to fix it, one vote at a time.

Until the next time
John Strain


Please, make it stop

Is it me or are the news shows talking about the 2008 Presidential election a bit early? George W. Bush still has three years in his term and the news is dominated with stories about Hillary, Condi, and Rudy.

For crying out loud. There is lots of good news stories out there. The earthquake, hurricanes, and cops beating people in New Orleans to mention but a few.

Maybe I am more aware now, but I think things have changed. It used to be after an election, things died down and folks accepted the results. Nowadays, folks stay divided. You hear people say things like, "That's not my president." This is the behavior of spoiled brats and Republicans and Democrats are equally guilty. Grow up people.

There is no more drama. All you need to know is what party affiliation an individual has and you know what they are going to say. Each side is fed their talking points and they are spewed on the morning news shows by pundits of every ilk.

When I went to college, we were required to attend what was called convocation. Convocation was about a 30 minute speech or sermon by some professor, minister, or distinguished guest. I learned a lot at those services. My thinking and understanding was challenged. I didn't agree with everyone I heard, but I listened and I considered their argument respectfully. I long for that today. I certainly do not look for such stimulation on television unless I am watching the learning channel.

Things are so shamelessly politically motivated it isn't even funny. People keep screaming free speech, but we are less likely to hear anything outside the bounds of political correctness. Free speech entitles a group of people to slander anyone who thinks of running for political office. Free speech is OK unless you want to talk about God.

There is more shouting than discussing. Shouting has replaced conversation. Listening is a forgotten art. The phrase: Seek to understand then to be understood is rarely practiced.

Those of us who blog know that someone's politics is only one facet of a many faceted jewel. I read blogs who are 180 degrees away from my political views and some of them read me. Just because we disagree about politics does not mean we don't love dogs, family, nature, and a good laugh. I think the news shows foster the belief that people who believe “X” are evil. That is a scary proposition.

It is time we paid more attention to the word "united" in United States. Our enemy is not each other, but a false perception that a political belief makes someone unworthy of fellowship.

23 years ago today, I proposed to Barbara, boy did she get taken. Ha. If you want to read the story, click THIS.

Until the next time
John Strain


Fun with Digital Stuff and Photoshop Elements 2.0

Bear running

1. Shoot video with Canon S2 IS
2. Import video into Quicktime
3. Select the desired sequence and export movie to image sequence
4. Import images (31 in this case) into Photoshop Elements
5. Create new file. In this case 350x300 down from 640x480
6. Copy, paste, and position each of the 31 photos creating a 31 layer document.
7. Choose "save for web" select animated GIF
8. Save

This may look like a lot of mumbo jumbo, but it is the kind of thing I enjoy doing. The result is a small "video" file. One never knows when a small video file will come in handy. Before doing it this way, I tried several other methods - most were unsatisfactory, but I learned from each failed attempt.

Click the thumbnail for a larger version of the GIF. It amounts to a 1MB download. Give it a chance to load.

When I showed Barbara the animation, she said, "Is this what you were working on all day yesterday?" I can sit in front of the computer for hours trying to solve a problem or create something I have floating around in my head. To me it is a puzzle to solve. I love it, yet for others, it would be the most boring torture they could imagine.

I guess it takes all kinds.

What turns your crank?

Until the next time
John Strain


Rolling the dice

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin wants to establish a gambling district on Canal Street to jump start the economy. The one land based casino Harrah's has an exclusive contract that would have to be renegotiated. The term renegotiate in this sense means go back on your word.

Personally, I think hitching your wagon to gambling is a bad idea. Gambling has not proven to be that lucrative in New Orleans as it is. Then with a police force teetering on implosion, a school system on life support, residents trying to rebuild, and other businesses working to reopen, a casino almost sounds obscene.

My main objection is that with the city devastated and in need of rebuilding, we have an opportunity to do something special. I do not know what that is, but gambling seems like a lazy man's answer to the problem.

Mayor Nagin would do well to assemble a panel of experts and see what they have to say instead of leading the charge into the same old same old.

If New Orleans is ever going to be more than a place to see tits and get drunk, we will need better ideas than casinos.

Go back to the drawing board Ray and get some help instead of trying to do an end run around folks with common sense.

One idea I think has promise is doing something along the lines of what happened in Indianapolis. The counties got together and hatched a regional plan. The parts worked together and the result was good. We could do that here. I believe this is necessary to attract businesses and manufacturing. It would be good to get a variety of industries here along with tourism.

We are standing at the crossroads and Ray Nagin wants us to get on his school busses he was saving and drive down the road of “More of the same.” I wonder what is his rush and why not take the “Road less traveled.”

Until the next time
John Strain


Another Autumn

this is an audio post - click to play

Another Autumn
Another Autumn I get to see
With azure sky and welcome breeze
Foreboding moon and falling leaves
Silhouettes of spooky trees.

Scarecrows and pumpkins
Corn stocks dried
Cranberries and apples
Treats or tricks tried.

Bittersweet memories conjured by smell
The distant tolling of a lonely church bell
Blustery days and cool crisp nights
Awakening senses my soul takes flight.

Gratitude bursting; offering praise
For this treasure of beauty in all of its ways
Another autumn I get to see
And I will drink it in most definitely.

-John Strain October 8, 2005

Until the next time
John Strain