
Sour Notes and Rain

So much for a nice evening of symphonic music under the oaks at the park. Instead, nature played its own music, complete with light sprinkles of sound building to a crescendo of thunderous bass and a very rushing fluid sound of water. In other words, it rained and the concert was canceled. I didn't want to go anyway.

Plan B: We met at our house and ate the cheese and drank the wine as planned. That part of the plan was a sure thing. Then we went out to dinner also according to the original plan. Our plans may change here every now and then, but we always enjoy ourselves.

It was a shame though, the day had been beautiful up to the evening. Then when everything was set up, the skies opened up, washing away any hopes of music in the park of the orchestral variety.

Today, I need to get a 10 miler in, then I am going to Home Depot to have my workstation designed. Yes sir, I am going to have a countertop and cabinets built in to my little corner to make my computing a more enriched experience. I am looking forward to having more desk space. The ability to spread out is essential for the video projects I tackle. Storage is another thing I crave. I can have all of my cables, disks, cameras, microphones, and assorted things all neatly packed into their own drawer or cabinet. There will be just the right amount of light and no cable clutter. I will make sure there are enough power outlets and phone lines.

Here is a picture of what I am imagining. I like this configuration, but not the color. I will go with a dark oak most likely to match other furniture in this part of the house.


Next week we are taking a little trip to Destin, Florida for the weekend. Once back, the next project I want to tackle is liquidating clutter and junk. Something and a lot of somethings must go. I have come to the conclusion our clutter is a result of placing, what would be the equivalent of 10 lbs into a 5 lb bag.

I better get at that 10 miler, the temperature is not getting any cooler.

Have a nice Sunday

Until the next time

John Strain


Saturday Chores

While I am mowing my lawn, weed eating, picking up limbs, watering plants, picking up dog doo, and blowing off the driveway (that always gets me out of breath), I will try to think of something either profound or funny to write for today's post. If I am unsuccessful, this will have to do.

This evening the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra will perform in our local park. This is an annual event. Looks like I am in for a little culture. Not too much though, this is low key on the culture side. It is cultured music for the masses. We sit under lazy oaks sipping wine or beverages of choice with an ice chest nearby. Some set up candelabras and elaborate blanket settings. I settle for my lawn chair in a bag and bar on wheels. It is just one more yearly event which marks time for us. It is my reward today for doing the yard.

Until the next time

John Strain


Love Those Westerns

Grace Kelly and Gary CooperMaybe because I watched a western the other day (Open Range), but I was thinking about westerns today. I grew up watching Gunsmoke, Branded, Roy Rogers, The Big Valley, Bonanza, even F Troop. I watched westerns at the Aztec theater in Shawnee, Kansas on Saturday matinees. Fifty cents bought two movies, a cartoon, previews to coming attractions, and an afternoon in fantasy land. My mom would pop corn and fill a Wonder Bread bag with it. We were allowed to take food into the theater. It is hard to believe they let us do that, but they did.

Unlike the gray areas of life and complicated problems, westerns were black and white. There were good guys and bad guys. The bad guys wore black hats and had bad manners. The good guys were quiet, polite, and wore white hats. The good guys always won. The bad guys always lost. At times, it did not look like it though. The bad guys would have the upper hand for a while, but would always be out smarted in the end, proving that good always beats out evil. Some may feel westerns are sappy and do not reflect reality. I say to that argument, that's the point. Turn on the news and you will soon be depressed, angry, or both. Turn on a western, and you will get a happy ending. Our hope requires the fuel of a happy ending every now and then.

Open Range had everything, except indians. There were cowboys, a crooked marshall, the evil rich rancher, who owned the town, an innocent cowboy who had secrets and a past hard life, an innocent, fresh faced woman who had never found love, an old salt, saddle tramp with more politeness than Miss Manners, gunfights, fist fights, killing, poignant moments, the senseless killing of an innocent dog, and a sprinkling of humor along the way. The movie was filmed in Calgary. The scenery was breath taking.

I welcome the unrealistic stories told in westerns. I believe that is the point of movies. You can have what you want. I would rather watch good triumph over evil and see hard work pay off than I would to see the reverse. I see that enough in real life anyway.

Another thing I like in westerns is the simplicity and the rules. For instance, the worst thing one man can say to another is, "you're a liar." When those words are uttered, the piano player stops playing, men and women scatter and a gunfight follows. Another huge insult is for one man to throw a drink in another man's face. The ultimate worst thing a man can do is spit in another man's face.

More rules: Horse thieve are hanged. Fights are to be fair. If your opponent does not have a gun, either throw him one of yours, or throw yours away. The school marm is always young and pretty. The guy who runs the general store is a sissy. Every movie has a smart horse. If two people start fighting in a saloon, everyone present is obliged to join in. The mirror in a saloon must be broken in any fight. After you punch someone in the face and they fall down, you must pick them up and get them to a standing position before hitting them again.

Some of my favorite westerns are:

The mini series, Lonesome Dove



Dances With Wolves

Anything John Wayne

Paint Your Wagon


High Noon

Here is a site which lists the 30 greatest westerns

Happy Trails Gang and have a nice weekend.

Here is something totally silly. Have you ever wanted to control a giant chicken? Well, now you can. Go to this site and type in your commands. He will do anything you wish.

Until the next time

John Strain


How Accurate is the Press?

I am on the Planning and Zoning Commission for our town. I have served on the P&Z for 8 years. Meetings are on the third Monday of each month and I go to most of them. I skipped the April 19th meeting since it was my son's birthday and we had dinner plans.

Wednesday, I was talking to one of my friends. Claude said, "I see you are raising hell at the P&Z meetings." "What are you talking about?" I said. He explained, I was quoted in the paper. I found that interesting since I was not at the meeting. I was chowing down on Mexican food in New Orleans that night. And I have witnessess.

Here is the proof: Wednesday edition New Orleans Times Picayunne, St. Tammany section

 Newspaper article

It got me to thinking about the accuracy of the media. It seems to me, when I have had first hand knowledge of an event then read about it in the newspaper, the story was usually grossly inaccurate.

Yet we form our opinions, get angry, sad, and everything in between by reading these inaccurate rags. I will generalize out and hazard a guess this phenomenon is pervasive throughout all forms of media.

When you have had first hand information about something reported in print or otherwise, has the reporting been correct?

See you in the funny papers

John Strain



Sometimes when I am conducting interviews with patients, they say something that just flat cracks me up. Case in point, Tom was telling me about an escapade with one of his running mates. Tom was driving Sam to the place where he had to be drug tested. Evidently, Sam had gotten on the wrong side of the law. Anyway, when the duo arrived at the clinic, the establishment was closed. No problem, Sam urinated on the door of the clinic. I guess he was going to leave a urine specimen one way or another.

Misguided as Sam may be, I admire his attitude. I like people on the bottom who have a swagger about them usually reserved for top dogs.

As I thought about his attitude, I remembered some comics illustrating attitudes I admire. They follow below.

The Last Great Act of Defiance

This mouse is not going out like a cry baby or by trying to hide in futility. He realizes the situation and wants the owl to know how he feels about it. If more mice were like him or her, they would no doubt move up the food chain.

Never Give Up

As a marathon runner, I subscribe to this attitude. "Never give up" is a mantra I often recite. I derive inspiration from this frog. He won't go down (the throat) easy, if at all. I figure if frogs and mice can be this defiant and persevering, then so can I.

Last night, Barbara and I watched the movie Open Range. I loved that movie and it showcased other attitudes I admire. Stand up to bullies and injustice. Defend yourself. Fight for what is right. Do not become what you are fighting against. I know, it is just a movie. In today's world, right and wrong is not always so clear.

So on this Wednesday, maybe one of these attitudes is just what you need to help you make it through the day. Never give up, Friday is coming.

I will leave you with one more attitude. Hang in there baby!

Hang in there baby

Until the next time

John Strain