
Are You Ready For Some Football?

Chiefs vs. Saints Graphic

Things To Do Today

• Run 16 miles

• Go to the Louisiana Superdome and watch the Kansas City Chiefs beat the Saints

• Consume some alcoholic beverages during the game

• Come home and BBQ some red meat

I think I can handle this.

Until the next time

John Strain


The Emotional Power of a Marathon

I saw this story today. It is an example of the awesome emotional power a marathon can produce. Running a marathon is almost always more than simply running 26.2 miles.

Click Photo for Caption
Lung Transplant Recipient to Run Marathon


RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Two years ago, Len Geiger was near death, suffering from a severe case of genetic emphysema.

On Saturday, Geiger will participate in his first marathon, accompanied by the father of the 14-year-old girl who donated her lungs for the double-lung transplant that saved his life.

Because of the extensive damage to his lower body, Geiger will "race walk" rather than run the course while Kevin Shroyer does a slow jog alongside him. The pace will be laborious and it may take the pair more than six hours to finish, but Shroyer said he doesn't mind.

"When I'm running with him, it's all about us and it's all about Korinne and that's as close as I will ever again come to running with my daughter," Shroyer said. "So I don't mind savoring every minute I'm out there with him." FULL STORY

Remember, our world is full of similar stories of love, accomplishment, and conquering fears. Every now and then it is good for us to step back and take it in. To the Virginia marathoners I say Godspeed.

Over 20 individuals whose lives have been touched by donation and transplantation scheduled to run in either SunTrust Richmond Marathon or NTELOS 8k

Until the next time

John Strain


Name That Tune

Do you remember the show "Name That Tune?" Today, you get to play. I have spliced 5 songs together, about one minute each. See if you can guess the song title and artist.


Song One

Song Two

Song Three

Song Four

Song Five

I hope you enjoyed the game and have a great weekend folks

Until the next time

John Strain


Political Ideology

I must confess, I often react to the conflict-oriented media's stories. I should keep in mind that what they report is often an extreme view designed to get reactions from folks like me. The picture they paint is often bleak, extreme, scary, hopeless, baiting, and exaggerated.

This recent political campaign, election, and aftermath are prime examples of the above adjectives. The media could drive the discussion of ideas positively, but they choose to zero in on petty, unimportant things and preside over a "Jerry Springeresque" atmosphere.

When I get angry, I think a lot. I guess it is an effort to put my anger into words. So I have been thinking about all of this election related stuff. Instead of rehashing it and choosing a side, I want to be one who lights a candle rather than curse the darkness. So here goes.

• What is your political ideology?

• What is the political ideology of your political affiliation?

Ideology simply refers to a way of thinking. Republicans and Democrats look at things differently, therefore, they will view issues like healthcare, taxes, and education differently. Discussion has all but ceased because neither side is willing to budge on their ideology. Both parties should come together and work toward a consensus or compromise on these issues. Truth is usually found in-between the two ideologies. Each side has valid points, but neither has a monopoly on the truth.

What is sad to me is when one side accuses the other of being stupid for not agreeing with them. The attacks become personal because of an individual's ideology or way of thinking. Even though the country may be split down the middle, people are scattered all along a continuum of political ideology.

If you would like to have a better understanding of your political ideology, take the test at the Political Compass website. Once you have taken the test and see where you stand, take some time to read about what it all means. I found this to be an interesting exercise. I came out further left than I thought I was.

The next thing I would suggest is to spend some time on the RNC and the websites. Read their platforms and learn what each party says about itself.

I believe that all Americans want to be safe, have jobs, have good educational opportunities, and available healthcare. We disagree on how it might look or work, but that is where discussion and working together comes in. They certainly will not happen if we continue to backstab each other.

When I was growing up, I often heard this phrase: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will lay down my life to give you the right to say it." The point is that freedom of speech is more important than what the person is saying. Today, people are shouted down, sued to shut up, and censored by the PC police. Ideas and discussion are essential for growth and innovation. We need to exercise the good manners we were taught by our parents of "the greatest generation."

Who defines whom? Quite often a tactic of today is to pin extreme labels on people who do not believe as you do. If someone is against gay marriage, they are called homophobic. If someone does not agree with a particular educational program, they are called anti-education. This is intellectual dishonesty. The campaign was full of intellectual dishonesty and we, as voters must demand better. Send emails and letters to the offending individuals. Anyway, I want to define myself. I know what I think, feel, and believe better than anyone on the planet. You know what you think, feel, and believe better than anyone on the planet. Therefore, we should listen to each other. There is also agreeing to disagree. Discussion is an ongoing process.

I love my country. The people who live in America are capable of so much. I only wish we could mobilize our resources of talent and unity apart from a crisis. To do so, we would have to stop looking at things in terms of red and blue. Instead of racism, we have shifted the prejudice to party affiliations. We are more alike than different. What we want is more the same than different.

Be the first on your block to open your mind, to exercise tolerance, to listen attentively to an opposing view, and then respectfully express your view. Let's be willing to compromise on things and get a little of what we want instead of nothing we want.

This globe we call earth, has been spinning around for a long time. It will be spinning long after we have returned to the dust. How important are the little things we fight so desperately for each day in comparison? We come and we go. Maybe if we kept this in mind we would place more importance on being civil to our fellow man.

Until the next time

John Strain



Last night as I finally sat down to post, I was so tired, I just went to bed. This morning I had to do a 10 miler so I did not write a darn thing.

Tune in again tomorrow,

John Strain