
Will 853 Miles be Enough?

Today I finished my last run before Saturday's marathon. From the beginning of my training, May 23 until now, I have run 853 miles. That's not including an extra mile per run for the half-mile warm-up and cool-down jog for each training run - an additional 125 miles.

Tuesday I ate no carbs to deplete the muscles of the glycogen stores. Wednesday I began the carbo loading and hydrating phase which lasts until race day. All I have to do now is rest and store energy and fluid. All of that energy and fluid will come in handy somewhere around mile 20.

I am also going through the week of paranoia, as I call it. I am afraid I will catch a cold, twist an ankle, or hear about severe weather on race day. A marathon comes down to one day. One works toward that day and if the weather is bad or the physical condition is not just right, that's tough. I know there will be other marathons, but I want to make this one a good one. I want to get that goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon off of my back.

I am nervous. I am worried and I doubt myself, but then I pump myself up and take solace in the hard work I have done. Hitting your goal in a marathon is not a given. Maybe that is why it appeals to me. The marathon is a challenge physically for sure, but it is more a challenge of one's will. I am reminded of Kipling's words:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
The marathon teaches patience and endurance. You have to pay the price a little bit each day over time. There is no cramming the night before this test. I like it because it pushes me physically, emotionally, and mentally. Even if I fail, I will be stronger. Failure and success are both motivators so whatever happens, I will try harder the next time.

When I am asked, "Why do you run marathons?" I answer like this, "Because it feels so good to stop." Tune in on Saturday afternoon and see if 853 miles was enough.

Until the next time

John Strain


They're Putting Up Reindeer

It’s coming on Christmas

They’re cutting down trees

They’re putting up reindeer

And singing songs of joy and peace

Oh I wish I had a river

I could skate away on

-Joni Mitchell

Christmas Card

This song is a "beginning of the season song." It is all in front of us. Lots of work? Yes. Lots of fun? You betcha. I look forward to so many things this time of year. I already got up in the attic and brought down my Christmas decorations. My head has a lump from where I bumped into a rafter like I do every year. The tree is up, but I have some outside lights to instal.

I have Christmas cards, like the one above, to address and send; Presents to purchase and wrap; parties to attend; food to eat; light displays to drive through; and lots of fun stuff I don't even know about yet.

If you slow down and let your mind become aware of your senses and feelings, you may feel some of the old feelings from childhood. Don't let your adult stress and responsibility rob you of enjoying the season. Take time to spread some cheer. If we all do our part, then it works.

When I think of Christmas, I am transported back to my old room I shared with my brother. It is night time and I am having a hard time getting to sleep, because Santa is on his way. The furnace hums and clanks warming our home from the frigid December air. Visions of sugar plums really did dance in my head. What a feeling. The magic is still there. I wonder what Santa will bring me this year? I have been a very good boy, but then he already knows that.

Santa comes this month - I can't wait.

Interesting side note: The artist of the Christmas card above and the soldier amputee who is running with President Bush in the sidebar photo are both from Denham Springs, LA.

Until the next time

John Strain


My First Christmas Card

It is always nice to get Christmas cards. I received my first one today. When I saw the return address, I was really fascinated. The postmark read Crawford, Texas. That's right; George W. Bush and his wife Laura sent me the first card of the season.

Oh, I know. I am on some list because I sent a few bucks to the Republican Party. Still it is impressive, at least to me, to get a correspondence from the President.

First Christmas Card

Christmas Card from the White HouseChristmas Card from the White HouseChristmas Card from the White HouseChristmas Card from the White House

Click to view Christmas Card

Christmas cards are the one time I hear from some of my friends and family members in the entire year. In a way, it is sad we only communicate once a year, but on the other hand, at least we do. By the time Christmas rolls around, we have cards taped all over the back of our front door. We get to look at them and enjoy them throughout the season.

In this new world of electronic communication and how wonderful it is, nothing can match the thrill of real mail. The smell of the envelope and the expectations as you open the card are exciting. Is there a letter inside? Is there any cash? Are there photos of our friends? One never knows.

So I am sharing my first card. I hope you get lots of them this year. May they bring nothing but good news of your friends and loved ones, and may they cause you many smiles.

Until the next time

John Strain


Rain Delay

I awoke this morning to the sound of thunder. Last Saturday I had to run 20 miles rain or shine. It not only rained, but it poured. The water in my shoes simulated leg weights, but I completed it, the last long run of my training. Today, I only have a 5 miler to contend with, so I am allowing the rain to move on before I go outside.

Next Saturday is the day, my final exam. We will see if I can qualify for the Boston Marathon by running the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon in less than 3 hours and 30 minutes. I should be able to do it. I am confident.

I have been playing with some of the style tips at Mandarin Design. They really have some nice style techniques and make it easy for you to incorporate them into your own blog. Check out the table below for my latest requisition from Mandarin.

Notice how the style of running clothes has changed from 1980 to present. That first photo cracks me up.

Running Apparel: A Retrospective

After my first half-marathon, 1980Azalea Trail Run, Mobile, Alabama, 1992Running in the St George Marathon, October 97Running in the St George Marathon, October 97After a nice hot shower at the Napa Valley Marathon, March 04John standing by police car after 5K 9/04

click to enlarge photos

Here's to a great weekend everybody.

Until the next time

John Strain


Tis The Season . . .

Kinky Reindeer
if you like this irreverent Christmas cartoon, then you'll love these.

Moving on to other irreverent Christmas humor, did you read about how Santa would really like to answer his letters? Then read some of them (R rated, hehe)

Are the reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh male or female? You'll find the answer here.

Today is the busiest shopping day of the year. My guess is folks either love today or hate today. I am in the second group. Thank the Lord I get to work. I would rather crawl naked over broken shards of glass than go to a mall today. Still I salute those of you who make the day of it. You are hunters in your own rite, exercising finely honed skills to land the bargain. The Internet has been my savior rescuing me from the former fate.

Have a great day whatever you are doing.

Until the next time

John Strain