
The Sears Wish Book

1966 Sears Christmas CatalogOnce upon a time before the Internet and cable television, children learned of toys through the Sears Wish Book. This special Christmas catalog came out in late October every year. It signaled the imminent arrival of Christmas. The Wish Book was a window into Santa's workshop and by the time the Jolly Elf made his annual trip, the pages were well worn. Dog-eared pages were markers to guide Santa's helpers to each child's wish for Christmas.

I spent many afternoons studying the Wish Book. I drooled over the toy train sets and slot car tracks. I knew Santa could not afford some things in the catalog. My tastes had to be somewhere around 15 to 20 1966 dollars.

It was always fun actually traveling to Sears. Before the mall was built near our house, a trip to Sears meant loading up in the Chevy station wagon and going to downtown Kansas City. Having studied the catalog, I knew just what to look for in the toy department. It was always so much fun getting to see the toys and then sit on Santa's lap to tell him what to bring me.

Sears Christmas Catalog Pages
click to view larger image

Before we left Sears, we always bought something at the candy counter. I can still smell the fresh peanut clusters and see the heat lamps that kept the roasted nuts warm. The candy was weighed and put in a paper bag. No bag ever lasted the trip back to the suburbs. All of this only raised my excitement level.

In Kansas City, the Country Club Plaza was always beautifully lit and decorated. The frigid air, toys, Santa and candy guaranteed to put one in the Christmas mood.

Tomorrow, I will tell a story about a toy - The Motorific Torture Track.

Until the next time

John Strain


My New Favorite Christmas Song

I came across a pretty song, which is from the motion picture "The Polar Express." Click the photo below to go to a page where you can hear the song. If the music is any indication, then the movie will be great. If you have seen it, let me know what you thought about it.

Enjoy the song, just click the pic.

The Polar Express

Until the next time
John Strain


Thank You

It feels very good to achieve what I set out to achieve. I owe many of you a debt of gratitude and thanks for all of your support. I drew upon it as I ran. I thought of your words. One time there was a breeze and I heard Ellen whisper some encouragement just like she promised. Your prayers were needed and appreciated

Few things are ever accomplished in a vacuum. This marathon was successful, in part, due to all of you. There were times during the run, between 19 and 23 miles, I had to struggle with my own will. I wanted to slow down. I did not know if I could keep up the pace. It was then I thought of you all. I did not want to write a blog about coming close and trying hard; I wanted to write about success. I dug down with the help of your words in my memory, and was able to persevere.

Now I am planning the next challenge. I hope to run the Mardi Gras Marathon in New Orleans February 27, then the Boston Marathon April 18.

Thanks again for your support through prayer and encouraging words. They really did help.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!


Until the next time

John Strain


Boston Here I come!

I did it!

Baton Rouge Beach Marathon Time

Sprinting at the finish, Baton Rouge Marathon 12.04.04

I will write more later and post some photos, but I wanted to let folks know how I did. I finished 18th overall and 4th in my age group. I am now qualified for the Boston Marathon.

Stay tuned for more.

Until the next time

John Strain



Runner at SunsetIt is the eve of the Baton Rouge Beach Marathon and I am ready to get at it. Training and dress rehearsals are over; it is time for the live performance. I like the pressure. It is an ending and a beginning. The process is draining and at the same time invigorating. During the final miles I will be planning for my next marathon to keep my mind from thoughts of slowing down or stopping. Something else to keep me going is the thought of ALLIGATOR SAUCE PIQUANT waiting for me at the finish line, ummmmm.

I want to thank those of you who have been so supportive throughout this process. It really does help. I can relate to the Beatles song, "I get by with a little help from my friends."

Until the next time

John Strain