
A chip on the shoulder

Why are people so angry? Road rage, violence, politicians getting into fist fights, school violence, and a world wide web full of vitriol speech. Many feel the need to share their anger or disdain for a topic by using abusive words.

Case in point. A few years ago I made a little video about the Civil Rights Movement. I posted it on YouTube September of last year. Since then it has been viewed 13,000 times and has received 17 comments. It amazes me how this little video which only shows vintage photos from the 50’s and some footage of Martin Luther King set to music evokes such extreme comments. I only deleted one comment that was completely vile, but some of the others must certainly be testaments of an individuals "baggage." There is a lot of anger out there. The video is here if you want to see it.

I usually try to turn folks away from anger with humor. For instance, at work if I come across someone ranting and raving about something, I might say like, "Donna, it's only 9:30, you better pace yourself or you'll never make it to 5:00." Usually they laugh, because they realize they are going on and on. Anger can be a habit and a bad one at that. Angry people are not fun to be around.

Personally, I don't like to be angry. I get angry, but I don't stay angry. I don't like to give someone or something power over me. Those who believe they can't get over their anger until someone fixes something or apologizes are giving away power. Anger eats at you and makes you an unpleasant SOB to be around. So it is best to get over it.

Maybe all of the anger expressed on the net is just people's way of blowing off steam, but I think it is more of a person showing their true self. What I don't like is when people spew their venom anonymously. To me anonymity is another word for coward. If you have an opinion stand behind it or keep it to yourself. So there.

I better stop, I am getting pissed. Ha.

Anyway, we would all do well to stop and take a deep breath and ask ourselves this question: "Is this thing worth all of this anger and emotional energy?" The answer will most likely be “no.” Maybe you need more Three Stooges or Bugs Bunny in your daily routine. It works for me. Anger is sometimes a symptom of taking yourself and/or life too seriously. I hate when that happens.

Say, did you hear the one about the minister sitting in a diner and the waitress accidentally poured a hot pot of coffee down his back? Well he stood up and grabbed the back of his chair. His knuckles turned white as he gripped it and said through clenched teeth, "Would some ungodly soul please say a few appropriate words." Now that's emotional control.

Here's to a few appropriate words, they have reduced my anger many times.

Until the next time
John Strain


Call me skinny

By Bear

Hi Everyone it's me Bear.

Do you remember the last time I wrote that I was on a diet? Welp, it worked. I'm skinny now. I have lots of energy to chase my football. I can jump better too.I lost 15 pounds. That's a lot for a dog.

Just look for yourself at my before and after pictures.

Before the diet

After the diet

After shedding 15 lbs.

I look more like my old self now. This pup sheds more than hair, I just jettisoned 15 pounds. My collar got real loose and daddy had to tighten it up for me.

Daddy hasn't written anything in a long time. He told me to tell everyone that he was going to start writing more regularly. He got real busy doing things around the yard and the house.

When daddy is in the yard working I help too. I watch him and wait for him to stop and then I bring him my ball so he can throw it and keep his arm loosened up.

That catches you up on my news. I hope everything is going well for you too.

Bye for now,



Bear has lost 11 pounds. He has stuck to his diet very well. Each day he gets 4 cups of Hills r/d dog food and no people food. He is following the vets orders to a T. It has been easy. On the other hand, I have not been foregoing chips when I come in from work in the evening. I haven't resisted seconds at mealtime, and I haven't said no to blueberry pie with my tea about 9:00 PM every night.

I guess it is easy disciplining other people or animals than it is yourself.

David Vitter would agree.

My 4th blogaversary is Thursday. My writing has really dropped off since May, but it is only a temporary thing. The slowdown started with me working in my yard. Once that gets going, it is hard to stop. Unfortunately, I screwed up both of my knees doing the sod, and I have not been able to get going with my running. Maybe there is something to this getting old thing. Naaaa.

I am going to Lafayette, LA for a Summer Symposium Wednesday through Friday. I will pick up 23 CEU's and have a few laughs in the process. Acquiring CEU's for the license every two years is sometimes a pain in the neck. Now that I go to this thing every year; I don't have to do anything else. Me and a couple of pals share a hotel room. The money we save gets spent in the bar after the sessions.

Here is a phone conversation I had yesterday at work:

The Players:
Lady at an agency in Little Rock, Arkansas

Me: Hi, this is John Strain. I am a social worker at blah blah hospital in Covington, LA. I have a patient who wants to relocate to Little Rock so I am calling to see what programs are available.

Lady: I wouldn't advise it. Arkansas ranks 49th out of 50 states in mental health services.

Me: Who's 50th, Louisiana?

Lady: No, I think it is New Mexico.

Me: Oh, I must have called the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce by mistake.

Lady: (Silence - I don't think she got it.) No this is blah, blah, agency.

Me: Well, just for laughs, could you tell me if there are any group homes in the area?

The rest of the conversation went fairly normally.

Here's to fairly normal,

Until the next time
John Strain


Happy Birthday America

Until the next time
John Strain


A great American

This gives me chills; the good kind.

Have a great weekend as we run up to America's birthday.

Until the next time
John Strain