
A 22nd Celebration


Wedding photo 1983


22nd Anniversary

We had fun Saturday celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary. I had a little too much fun though, as you can see in these next two photos. Alcohol and idle time in a clothing store translates into mischief. Barbara and Faye were so proud.
John finds a new friend

Brian finds a new friend

Another fun night in the books. Next Sunday is the Mardi Gras Marathon, the fun just never stops down here on the bayou.

Until the next time
John Strain


Can Spring Be Far Away?

Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. One of the first bloomers, they herald the good news that spring is near. Take heart my Northern and Canadian friends, each passing day is one day closer to springtime.

Spring Tulips

Spring TulipsSpring TulipsSpring Tulips

Click to view three photos of beautiful tulips

Now it is on to New Orleans to celebrate our anniversary

Until the next time
John Strain


Just a Couple of Things

Saturday is my 22nd wedding anniversary. Time flies. To celebrate, Barbara and I along with a couple of sets of friends will grace the French Quarter with our presence. The usual routine is to head down about 3:00 PM, frequent a couple of bars, people watch, then hit a restaurant. After that, Bourbon Street is heating up so we make a few passes then head home, unless a mood strikes us.

We were married in Vicksburg and spent our wedding night in Grenada, Mississippi on our way to Arkansas to honeymoon on the White River. Grenada is a small town and in a dry county. That's right, no champagne. Oh well, we made do.

I have been eating a lot of fruit. Today, for instance, I ate four bananas. I have been fighting the urge to climb trees and throw poop at people who pass our yard.

Do you like the people you work with? I sure do. We spend a lot of time with our coworkers - maybe more time than we spend with our families. A family is a word I would use to describe my coworkers. We certainly have some fun. I suppose being witness to so many weird, strange, bizarre, and hilarious things tends to make people close.

I guess that wraps up another week. Have a great weekend.

Until the next time
John Strain


Dreams, Emotions, Success, and Failure

Success GraphicI watched American Idol tonight. It was my first time. I was fascinated by the way in which the contestants handled the pressure. These performers were given a pass or fail on their performance. The judge’s decision would either prolong or end the dream.

It seemed cruel how the judges drug things out. Then when the decision was announced the emotions gushed. I would love to have the opportunity to make people as happy as those folks were when they were passed to the next round. The ones who got the bad news handled it differently. Some were angry, while others were philosophical about it.

The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat is the stuff of life. Some have tried to soften the agony, but such efforts also squelch the thrill. There is no getting around success and failure. Those who try may avoid the trauma and disappointment of failure, but in so doing; make it impossible to ever drink from the sweetest vintage of victory.

Few things match the joy of achievement. The disappointment that comes with failure is a pain that lingers. The trick is to let that pain motivate you to try again, to try harder, to stand one more time and give it a go. I believe we can achieve nearly anything we are willing to work for. When you put yourself out there and go for "it" you are on a course leading to success or failure. What lies ahead is shear joy or a heartache beyond belief.

I like the Nike commercial with Lance Armstrong. He says, “They keep asking me what I’m on,” (Lance has been accused of using steroids, which is not true) “What am I on? . . . I’m on my bike busting my ass six hours a day.” Lance Armstrong believes he out works his competition and deserves to win.

Do not be afraid to want something so badly you would be crushed not to obtain it. For if you do achieve the goal, great joy awaits. If you should fall short, rekindle your efforts and try again. Try harder, do it differently.

Those on the American Idol fall into both categories. Some said they would quit and let the dream die, some said they would keep trying, while others are still living the dream.

I admire them all, because they gave it a shot. They tried. Life teaches us through success and failure. With an open mind and a willingness to work our successes will increase.

Life is unpredictable and it is the unpredictability that makes it so emotional at times. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb for your dream, that is where the fruit is.

Until the next time
John Strain



Lawn ChairWhen I grew up in Shawnee, Kansas we had lots of neighbors. It was familiar territory up and down both sides of the street and the nearby side streets. We knew their names, their pet’s names, where they worked, and what the inside of their houses looked like. Here in Louisiana, I have just as many neighbors, but I know very little about them.

It was because of the familiarity of the neighborhood, my parents allowed us kids to leave the house and roam around. My mom knew that if I were up to something, one of the operatives neighbors would see it and call her to rat me out. Us kids understood George Orwell's 1984 way back in the 60's because Big Brother really was watching us. My mom had a network that would put our national intelligence services to shame. I ended up going straight, because I always got caught. I couldn’t get away with anything.

Our society has changed and I have heard different explanations for it. One theory is that with the advent of air conditioning, people keep their houses shut up. This extra layer of insulation removes us from what is happening outside. Familiar voices and cars pulling into nearby driveways go unnoticed. In the old days, we sat in our front yard in lawn chairs. As people walked or drove by, they would often stop and talk. A conversation often turned into an invitation to sit down and enjoy some iced tea and fresh chocolate cake. Those conversations would be the seedbed for planning weekend BBQ's or holiday parties.

Another reason we do not know our neighbors has to do with the disappearing front porch. Construction costs and other factors have led people to forego the front porch. The square footage is kept inside and summer nights are spent indoors away from the contact of neighbors.

The other evening, I noticed our next-door neighbors had moved. I barely knew them. We spoke on a few occasions when we were both engaged in yard work. His name was Jeremy and I do not recall his wife's name. They also had a small child. They came and went and I know nothing about them. That's a shame. Maybe our feelings of detachment and safety concerns would diminish with a simple effort to relate to a next-door neighbor.

I think when the next set of folks moves in, Barbara and I will go over and introduce ourselves. Shoot, we may even throw in a bunt cake or something. Who knows, an introduction here and an introduction there, where will it lead? Maybe we will forge our own spy network to foil the mischief of the neighborhood kids just like when I was a lad.

Things change, but we have a lot to say about changing them back if we want to.

Until the next time
John Strain