
Life Magazine

Life Magazine cover from 1962
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View individual Life Magazine covers

I stumbled across a Life Magazine archive the other day and had fun strolling down memory lane. With each Life Magazine cover is a flood of memories and recollections to the mind. I made a musical montage with 40 covers I selected and I hope you enjoy it. You will need Quicktime to see it.

It is time to batten down the hatches in preparation for TS Cindy.

I hope you had a good time on the 4th, I did.

Until the next time
John Strain


Lord Let Me Live

Lord, let me live, that more and more
  Your wonder world I may adore;
With every dawn to grow and grow
  Alive to graciousness aglow;
And every eve in beauty see
  Reason for rhapsody.
Read the rest of "Lord Let Me Live" by Robert Service

We took a quick road trip to Vicksburg Friday evening and Saturday. While there, I took advantage of the great hills in the National Military Park. It is a great place to run and photograph. I did both at the same time. Click the photo (or this link) to see the rest of the pictures I took.

Until the next time
John Strain


Happy Birthday America

Flag and Lady Liberty

Click the flag to see my video tribute to America. It is a little piece I put together for America's Birthday 2003. The video is 14 mb and runs 3 minutes 57 seconds. The soundtrack is Celine Dion singing God Bless America. I hope you like it.

Until the next time
John Strain


A Day of Sunshine

How about a nice Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem to get you started in this new month? "A Day of Sunshine" is a nice summer poem to contemplate. I hope the feelings experienced by the poet will be yours over this holiday weekend.

this is an audio post - click to play

A Day of Sunshine
Oh gift of God! Oh perfect day;
Whereon shall no man work, but play;
Whereon it is enough for me;
Not to be doing, but to be!

Through every fibre of my brain,
Through every nerve, through every vein,
I feel the electric thrill, the touch
Of life, that seems almost too much.

I hear the wind among the trees
Playing celestial symphonies;
I see the branches downward bent,
Like keys of some great instrument.

And over me unrolls on high
The splendid scenery of the sky,
Where through a sapphire sea the sun
Sails like a golden galleon

Enjoy the weekend folks

Until the next time
John Strain


Boston Marathon

Did I ever tell you about the time I ran the Boston Marathon? Ha, just kidding. It has only been recently people have stopped running when they see me coming. I was like Duffy on the old television series in the late 60's; F-Troop. Duffy was the only survivor of the Alamo, except for the Mexicans. If the Alamo were ever mentioned within Duffy's earshot, it was as if he were taken over by some power beyond. He would begin his long story with, "The Alamo. There we were . . . me and Davey . . . backs against the wall . . ." When this started, everyone's eyes glazed over and they tried to get away.

My reason for posting this photo is I just got it. I was not going to buy any pictures, but I got an email from Marathon Foto and it caught me in a weak moment. So here it is a picture of me not too far from the finish. Click the photo for a larger version.

Until the next time
John Strain